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Member Since 25 May 2008
Offline Last Active 04 Feb 2017 19:57

Topics I've Started

Text wrap

29 December 2013 - 10:45

Is it possible to have text to place itself on a new line when it reaches the end of the available window space within a plugin. I scrape information for a website, but, it all comes in on one long line, as shown in the screenshot.


Heres the skin info i have made


    skin = """
        <screen position="center,center" size="900,480" title="National Lottery - Main draw raffle results." >
  	    <ePixmap pixmap="extensions/lotto.png" position="800,10" size="65,65" zPosition="1" transparent="0" alphatest="on" />
        <widget name="maindrawraffle" render="Label" position="10,10" size="780,460" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />

i tried adding the render="Label" to see if that would work. scrolling left/right doesnt work, that jumps to the next / previous page


thank you in advance

change TimeshiftState icons

23 December 2013 - 10:25

Is it possible to change the pause, play etc icons for Timeshiftstate? ive looked back through things, and found this in infobargenerics.py


SEEK_STATE_PLAY = (0, 0, 0, ">")
SEEK_STATE_PAUSE = (1, 0, 0, "||")


which changes the text shown between the commas, but, is it possible to have a skin dependant graphic show in the screen during certain states, for example, if pause was pressed, then a pause.png will be shown, if play then pressed, a play.png will be shown, etc even if the small text based ones cant be shown, having a graphic appear would be just as good


ive tried adding statusicon widget to the 'timeshift' screen in the skin xml as well as adding .png files into the actual status widget section


any help would be great