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Member Since 6 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active 15 Apr 2020 19:11

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Update Problems

31 March 2014 - 20:21

Thanks anyway. I am gonna reflash my dreambox and I believe it is gonna work.

In Topic: Update Problems

31 March 2014 - 19:24

Well, it says 64 bytes from and it continues counting. I guess the ping works

In Topic: Update Problems

31 March 2014 - 18:57

My Internet connection works fine. I am not able to download plugins either. From telnet, trying opkg update, after about 5 minutes I see the message "killed". Trying to update after reboot also doesn't work..

In Topic: ≈mambas_games_skin≈

8 January 2014 - 15:39

Hallo. Is there a way to see fan rpm and not rpm/2 ??? 


Thank you

In Topic: skin_user based VFD-skin for PLi/Duo2

15 November 2013 - 12:58

How can I see oled picons on dreambox 800hd se?? I used a user_skin on dmm image with success, but it doesnt work on openpli image. Any ideas?