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Member Since 18 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active 19 Nov 2013 12:40

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In Topic: Update PD1loi-HD-full HD skin.

2 November 2013 - 17:10

2xok = second infobar. ;)


grtz Philip



Thank you !!!

In Topic: Update PD1loi-HD-full HD skin.

2 November 2013 - 17:05


You can find the frequence info in the second infobar, you can find it in menu/user interface.
If you want stay the second infobar then you must put the button at no time out, otherwise the seconds.
Good luck!!!!
This is a great skin of Loui(PD1LOI)


Yes , the skin is great.

Thank you very much . I am doing exactly what you advise me but i cant see the second infobar  !!!

I set it at no time out and i restart receiver . ( Vu solo 2 )

What i am doing wrong ? 



Go to menu and choose select information about it, you have several choices among the colored buttons select tuner.

no choices there...just a green icon "info" but no frequency there.

In Topic: Update PD1loi-HD-full HD skin.

2 November 2013 - 14:06


I like this skin but i dont know how to find the frequency info.


Under Munu / Stream Information

I am sorry but i cant find it !!!

little more help please ?

Newbie here

In Topic: Update PD1loi-HD-full HD skin.

2 November 2013 - 13:15


I like this skin but i dont know how to find the frequency info.
