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Member Since 19 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active 27 Jan 2019 20:10

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In Topic: Elisa cable missing epg for some channels

27 May 2014 - 20:33

Yep, those are cable channels that normaly have EPG-data in DVB-C stream (some chan 7 days EPG, some only 1-2 days EPG).
As for Nick.Jr, http://www.canaldigital.fi/tv-opas/ has also strange mix with languages, nor/fin mix, with this channel.

BTW, you can remove MTV (formely MTV3) channels MTV Sarja, MTV Komedia and MTV Fakta XL from finland.xml because those are discontinued 31.3.2014.

In Topic: Elisa cable missing epg for some channels

26 May 2014 - 21:02

Hello again, Lately I have had some problems with normal EPG and EPGRefresh plugin and now the plugin just crashes my Duo2 leaving me without proper EPG data. So I came here to find rescue :) Needed channels are in lamedb file. Also Nick.Jr has strange finnish/swedish language mix, mostly EPG-data is in swedish. Here is one source for it (and other chans) http://tvopas.dna.fi/ Thx

In Topic: Elisa cable missing epg for some channels

16 December 2013 - 19:11

Late thx. But National Geographic has incorrect epg data (telkku.com atlest has correct epg data). Mainly program times are 1h too late and some programs have swap places. (I have no idea why there is so many french chans, maybe someone at Elisa likes them ;))