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Member Since 24 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active 09 Apr 2017 21:58

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In Topic: DM 8000 recordings

26 October 2016 - 11:32

This is not true. With separate coax cables into each tuner this works fine. I can record something from Astra and something else from Hotbird. You need to setup your tuners correctly and have separate cables... I have my tuner settings same as TS. Tuner B same as A...


I said "with his current setup". Of course recording/watching different satellites is possible with a different setup, but that does not answer his question

In Topic: DM 8000 recordings

26 October 2016 - 06:41

Tuner A
Konfig. läge, enkelt
Läge, DiSEqC A/B
Port A, Int.707/Thor2,3 (0,9w)
Port B, Astra/Sirius (5,0E)

Tuner B
Lika som tuner A.

If you record on one satellite, you will not be able to watch programs from the other satellite. This is a limitation with your current setup

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

In Topic: Free software to cut out commercials out recordings.

4 September 2016 - 19:19

Avidemux works well. Available on Windows and OS X

Sent using Tapatalk

In Topic: Decision: Open Pli

31 March 2016 - 07:09



I also moved from Newnigma to OpenPLI a few years ago, so maybe I can provide you with some answers:


1. Nothing in particular. Everything I had in Newnigma continued to work the same in PLI (fancontrol2, softcam). If you use a softcam, you may have to tune a little (usually the box type value)


2. Yes. You can use DreamboxEdit or iDreamX for that purpose


3. Yes, PLI comes with OpenWebif.


4. In my opinion, it is even better than the Newnigma interface


5. I don't know if FlashExpander is available but you should not need it. One of the reason I moved from Newnigma to OpenPLI was the Newnigma image size: it is almost double the size of OpenPLI, so you should have sufficient space available for your own stuff


6. I'm not sure, I use a fixed installation


7. Yes you can stream through the Web interface but I don't know about password-protecting or encrypting the streams


Since you own a Dreambox, you may want to check another image. It is called SatDreamGr and is basically OpenPLI with some specific tuning for Dreambox receivers. After moving from Newnigma to OpenPLI, I moved to SatDreamGr and am very happy with it. Another important difference is that OpenPLI is in constant development, so if you update on a "bad day", you may have some issues (which are normally fixed the next day). With SatDreamGr, you get a new fully tested release every couple of months; it is more similar to what you have with Newnigma. If you need more information, contact Athoik, he is the owner of SatDreamGr.