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Member Since 26 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active 06 Dec 2023 12:21

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In Topic: OpenPLi 9.0 release available

29 November 2023 - 00:14

That may work, depending on what the other side is, and how the files got stored on "that other side".


In this case it is probably because CIFS assumes Windows at the other side (so it uses cp437 instead of utf8 ), but you use a Linux server running Samba (in this case from Synology) which probably defaults to utf8, being linux.

Indeed, Synology uses UTF8  by default (My file name is garbled. What can I do? - Synology Kunskapscenter). As explained in the article (The Purpose of iocharset=utf8 in Mounting Windows SMB Shares to Linux | DeviceTests), it seems Linux uses the iso8859-1 character encoding for mounts. Note also that I'm not using mount manager (maybe mount manager adds iocharset=utf8 ?). But if other folks are facing similar issue, this is the way to go.

In Topic: OpenPLi 9.0 release available

28 November 2023 - 22:48

So, regarding the crash when browsing Synology NAS share using CIFS and when a filename have an accent, the cause of the problem is the encoding used to mount CIFS share.
I can get rid of the crash by adding 
iocharset=utf8 in the mount command. See The Purpose of iocharset=utf8 in Mounting Windows SMB Shares to Linux | DeviceTests.

This is the command I use:

 mount -t cifs //ip/share mnt/nas -o user=xxx,password=xxx,vers=2.1,iocharset=utf8  

Problem solved!

In Topic: OpenPLi 9.0 release available

20 November 2023 - 19:58

@fpignon,  flash the OpenPLi 9 nightly build because this has been fixed in it.

Thanks PR2. I originally flashed OpenPli 9 stable release from November 13 so I assume it should have the fix in it?
I've also installed latest updates (from November 19) but the crash is still occuring.


In Topic: OpenPLi 9.0 release available

19 November 2023 - 21:26


root@vuduo4kse:/mnt/nas/test# ls

(the file displays fine in Windows).


That is the problem, Windows doesn't use utf-8.


I still don't understand where exactly it crashes. The crash logs are useless, as it crashes in C++ code, the log doesn't show any details.


If I create a file in Windows encoding in my recording directory, I don't see it in Enigma, is it skipped, it doesn't crash?


As explained, I do not reproduce the issue using the local box HDD. To get this issue, I just need to browse a directory containing a file with accent and the directory is located on my NAS (the share /mnt/nas/ is mounted using CIFS).
Is there any procedure to generate a memory dump upon the crash ? I'm happy to generate it and share it.




In Topic: OpenPLi 9.0 release available

18 November 2023 - 23:42

attaching crash log