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Member Since 31 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active 01 Nov 2013 17:28

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Octagon SF8 HD, OpenPLi4.0 and remote control

31 October 2013 - 02:28

Today I received one Octagon SF8 HD (MK 1000-XP) and installed the last OpenPLi image (OpenPLi-4.0-beta-xp1000-20131030_usb.zip), this is my first receiver enigma 2 and I'm having some problems...


The remote control has keys exchanged, when I click on the INFO button opens the EPG, when I click on the OK appears info bar, when I click channel up+/down- opens the Channel Selection (TV) - Bouquets.


I've tried changing the Input Device but it was the same.


I created a updated satellite.xml file online and when I put it in /etc/tuxbox  and restart the receiver all the sats disappear from the Tuner Configuration, instead of choosing satellites only have 4 options:


. All Satellites 1

. All Satellites 2

. All Satellites 3

. All Satellites 4


... and LNB 33, LNB 34, LNB 35 and LNB 36 rather  having LNB 1 to LNB 32.



I have 6 fixed LNB's and managed to set up with Diseqc switch 1.1 but I have another LNB on a dish with a motor diseqc 1.2...I want to capture the same sat with two different LNB's...



. diseqc switch 1.1 port 2 - 28.2ºE fixed LNB - one Bouquet

. diseqc switch 1.1 port 1 - 28.2ºE motorized LNB - another Bouquet


Is it possible?... is just add the same sat with a different name in the satellite.xml??



I installed the Dream Box Edit to edit channel lists... what are the File Paths for the Octagon SF8 HD?


I apologize for the basic questions but this is my first E2 receiver.