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Member Since 18 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active 21 Nov 2013 02:38

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In Topic: How many euros will you spend on an Android Receiver ?

18 November 2013 - 17:41

And regarding Open source. I don't care.

In that case, I won't buy it.

I'm sorry I just overreacted. But I really don't know if the Android Box is open source because I'm not a tech guy. Maybe yes may no. That's what I can say.


But I´m now talking about Linux Set top box!!! And till now it doesn´t support XBMC. Maybe E2MBC has something new.


You are wrong again.

I have here PrismCube that is a pure Linux Stb running XBMC.

The only negaive side of this nice box is that is not fully opened and for this reason i am worried that this

box will have not success.


At the present there are many good box in the market with very good hardware.

The problem is that companies seems that are going to forget what was the reason

for the success of the linux stb. 1) Linux. 2) Open sources and open platforms.

So i agree with Milo and pieterg. Before to think to propose something on the market, you should take care

of this.

Thanks for pointing out my mistakes.



One more question. You've mentioned two reasons for the success of linux STB: 1) Linux. 2) Open sources and open platforms.
if the Android Box is open sources, do you think it's possible that Android would clone the success of linux STB?

In Topic: How many euros will you spend on an Android Receiver ?

18 November 2013 - 16:43

More interesting:

Would it be open source?

In particular, would it have open source drivers, firmware and all?

(for example, the current E2 boxes aren't open source because the drivers are closed. The famous Raspberry Pi is also NOT open source in this respect.)


Sorry I don´t know. Because I´m not the seller, I´m not talking about a specific box. I just ask if people have any interest in Android box, and this android box is also sufficient for daily use, how much would you pay for it. And regarding Open source. I don't care. I just donwload apps from Google Play!

In Topic: How many euros will you spend on an Android Receiver ?

18 November 2013 - 16:37

But I´m now talking about Linux Set top box!!! And till now it doesn´t support XBMC. Maybe E2MBC has something new.

In Topic: How many euros will you spend on an Android Receiver ?

18 November 2013 - 16:26

0 Euro.

Why the Hell should i use Android where i can have Linux ?

Because you may have more fun. Because Linux doesn't support XBMC. Because it's easier to use. And still many because... 

In Topic: How many euros will you spend on an Android Receiver ?

18 November 2013 - 16:24

3 euros.


But on the other hand if it would run a normal linux environment (like Maemo, MER, Sailfish) it would be worth a few euros more... depending on


1- what is excellent hardware?

2- how powerfull the DVB function really is

5- how excellent the graphics engine is

6- if it can do more than  full hd 1080P. E.g. to do multi-screen excellent gaming

7- what an ingenious multi-screen function is


Na, so I said already "Thank you for any sensible answers." But I don´t think 3 Euros is a sensible answer.


It´s a little bit hard to explain without showing any prototypes. But I've already mentioned, if there is blablabla. So I'm just talking about a suppose. Linux is now dominating but it doesn't mean it will dominate forever. 


So if you don't like Android box, ok, you don't even buy it. your choice. But if you have any Interest, how much would you pay for one ?