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Member Since 30 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active 01 Oct 2024 14:49

Posts I've Made

In Topic: No Openpli 6 for et-10000?

28 October 2017 - 13:37

I think we have explained a good few times now already.

In english forum? Sorry, I cant find it. Can you give me a link?

In Topic: No Openpli 6 for et-10000?

28 October 2017 - 12:50

There are no problems with ET10000, using OA-E images. They use a newer kernel 4.10.6, OpenPLi has 4.0.1.

Why is that? Why not use the new kernel with new drivers?

In Topic: [PC-APP] E-Channelizer

25 June 2017 - 12:11

You can use virtualbox on your host and install windows as guest os and run "E-Channelizer" without any problems just the way I run dbe on a windows guest os.

You can run DBE via wine, but not E-Channelizer. For E-Channelizer I use virtualbox.

In Topic: [PC-APP] E-Channelizer

17 June 2017 - 08:12

Still no MacOS support?

And Linux... :(