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Member Since 7 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Today, 13:28

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CI Module (Kabelio) and Openpli 9

20 January 2024 - 08:59

Hi all,


I have an issue with the Kabelio CI Module. It get's recognized perfectly by Openpli, descrambles as designed (except some CI+ channels), but if I switch channels from a Kabelio Channel to a e.g. channel where OScam is used (in my case HD+) and then back to the Kabelio Channel there is no descrambeling at all. I have to restart the GUI or go to the Common Interface Menu, disable/able cam and it starts working again until I switch providers.


Is anyone had similar issues or a tip to solve this issue, pretty annoying tbf.


-> VU+ Duo 4k SE

-> Openpli 9

-> Kabelio CI

-> Oscam Emu with HD+ Smartcard


Thanks for your help.

Stream Auflösung ändern

12 August 2023 - 09:44

Hallo zusammen,


ich komme hier irgendwie nicht weiter.

Ich habe einen Webcam Stream in meiner Kanalliste wo die Auflösung einfach zu hoch ist: 3840 x 2160

Das Bild bleibt schwarz, Ton ist zu hören. Mit VLC kein Problem.


Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Streamqualität vorzugeben, also herunterzusetzen?

Geht um den Stream hier:


#SERVICE 4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//use01-smr04-relay.ozolio.com/hls-live/_definst_/relay01.xnbwdi1.fd0.sm1.av2.mt1.at0.as1.sh2.rt8669.rc0.smil/playlist.m3u8
#DESCRIPTION USA - Florida - Key West Cam - Sloppy Joes Stage Cam


Bin für Tipps dankbar.
