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Member Since 10 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 15:38

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No epg.dat file created

12 April 2021 - 17:05



I have a Vu+ UNO4K HD se with OpenPli 8.0 that I recently flashed to play my IPTV channels. I have installed EPGimport and the EPG was working fine for like a week. Then without me using the box it suddenly stop showing the epg data. I have two different EPG sources for two different bouquets and none of them shows up anymore. 


EPGimport does find the events when I manually download the EPG but I cannot find any epg.dat file in my box or installed internal HDD. Why doesn´t EPGimport create a epg.dat file?


Here is my logfile from EPGimport:

[EPGImport] imported 53074 events
[EPGImport] Save last import date and count event
[EPGImport] Run check deep standby after import
[EPGImport] #### Finished ####
[EPGImport] nextImport, source= xxxxxx.xx
[EPGImport] Downloading: http://xmltv.xxx.xx/xxx.xml to local path: /tmp/epgimport.xml
[EPGImport] Not cheching the server since nocheck is set for it: http://xmltv.xxx.xx/xxx.xml
[EPGImport] afterDownload /tmp/epgimport.xml
[EPGImport] unlink /tmp/epgimport.xml
[EPGImport] afterChannelDownload None
[EPGImport] Using twisted thread
[XMLTVConverter] Enumerating event information
Unknown channel:  2842.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2805.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2707.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2682.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2502.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2488.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2473.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2469.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2459.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2450.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2445.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2442.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2416.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2412.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2406.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2342.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2338.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2315.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2288.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2282.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2275.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2168.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2145.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2127.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2104.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2097.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2093.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2079.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2064.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2045.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2044.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2030.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2028.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2008.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  2002.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1971.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1921.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1915.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1865.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1848.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1832.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1830.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1819.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1816.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1794.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1783.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1754.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1739.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1735.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1724.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1707.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1666.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1654.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1601.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1576.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1565.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1555.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1509.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1496.xxxxxxx.xx
Unknown channel:  1484.xxxxxxx.xx

Fast forward VOD content

3 April 2021 - 11:22


I use OpenPli 8.0 on my Vu+ UNO4kHDse.

I wonder if it is possible to get fast forward and rewind on VOD content?
I have my VOD content as a bouquet with URLs in it but it does not seem to work, I can only play from the beginning. I have read on the internet that some people say they got it to work, but there is no good explanation to how.

Scaling problem with LCD display

21 March 2021 - 16:52



I have a Vu+ UNO4KHDse with Open Pli 8.0 and Glamour Auora FHD skin installed.


On my box LCD display the scaling seems to be wrong, everything on the right side of the display are going outside of view. It is like the software think my display is wider than it is. How do I fix this without having to edit every position of everything in the lcd xml file?

Extra Event/Advanced Event Library

20 March 2021 - 09:22



I am looking for a plugin like Extra Event or Advanced Event Library to get extra info and posters for my channels. I have tried to install both of these plugins on my Vu+ UNO4KHDse box with OpenPli 8.0 but without success. Is there any similar plugin I can try? I also have more info and posters in my EPG feed that my skin does not pick up.

Auto save and auto delete timeshift files

19 March 2021 - 22:49



I have seen in other images an advance menu for timeshift, in that menu there is an option to auto save all timeshifts when you zap to another channel and also an option to delete all the files in the timeshift folder after X days. 


Is it possible to make a script that does all that in the latest version of Open PLI?