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Member Since 14 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active 29 Jul 2024 15:55

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In Topic: Openpli 4.0 backdoor?

13 March 2016 - 14:57

By Backdoor, I didn't mean anything offensive.

Anyway thanks for all suggestion, so far, I blocked root, ftp, shh, samba edited and for remote I set parental control with PIN code to block access to plugins and configuration(this feature is working well) , and box is locked in cabinet.

So far it has been 4 days without issues, thank you all for help and advice.

In Topic: Openpli 4.0 backdoor?

10 March 2016 - 14:46

I need samba because it is nice to watch recordings on phone or desktop. So I will just edit and delete root folder.

But I will flash first fresh image.

What about remote controller? Box is in living room and other housemates watching TV also, can't really hide remote controller each time I'm out from house. Can parental control access to plugins in menu and software management because if I understand well even I change password for root he could delete it to default one?

And shh what's the command to change password? Is it 'passwd'

In Topic: Openpli 4.0 backdoor?

10 March 2016 - 10:48

I live in shared accommodation and there is that moron who live as well, and he keeps deleting files from box, I changed password to root and ftp but he has done it again. I'm sure if he has done it through samba or remote. He doesn't have physical access to box as it is in cabinet with lock glass door. So it must be through remote or samba or shh. I'm not sure what his skills are, but can u help me block all three.

In Topic: Openpli 4.0 backdoor?

9 March 2016 - 11:51

There are ways to secure the box if that is what you want.
1. disable telnet/ftp, only allow ssh/sftp
2. disable root login for ssh with password, only allow login with authorized key.
3. disable / access from samba, only allow /media/hdd

but I haven't understand what you are trying to achieve. If you want to use the box from the internet, better use VPN tunnel as others said.

I want to block access to box, so no one can see config files, etc, even if person has access to box with remote or openwebif

In Topic: Openpli 4.0 backdoor?

8 March 2016 - 23:53

Ok, i understand now, what about samba any chance to set username and password?