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Member Since 29 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active 20 Jul 2015 00:54

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Older version of OpenPLi for VU+ Duo 2

12 July 2015 - 15:03

Go to the timer entry and press "menu". There you can find a log of the recording.

On my Vu you should Press "info" instead of "menu"

In Topic: Vu+ Duo2 Openpli 4.0 issue

2 August 2014 - 08:39



To make some test with my new Duo2, I do some Flash of the box with Open PLI4 .

Don't remember the exact state of the box before Flash (Power OFF/Stanby) in all case.But on 3 try,  I had the problem 2 times.


The date was set in 1958.
Having set the date in the year 2000 in Telnet, and everything is ok.
date -s "2014-03-28 09:26"

In Topic: Crash when upgrading software [duo2]

1 August 2014 - 18:27

OK find other related post here :




Due to a bug in the OpenWebIf BouquetEditor the box will enter a continues crash loop after you update.


If you have installed this editor, then it is adviced not to perform an update, or to de-install the editor before you do!



Does this package are identical Openwebif & openwebif BouquetEditor  ?


Because i don't have Bouqueteditor ?