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Member Since 4 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active 05 Jan 2014 19:43

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Technomate TM-2T update issue? Forum newbie

5 January 2014 - 18:47

Good Afternoon & Happy New Year to all, I am new to this forum due to the fact I have always had OpenVix installed on my TM-2T. Their current image update had caused my box to crash countless times recently so I now running OpenPli 3.0 4D Micom 108? All is fine but I thought it a good idea to see if there were any new software updates. However, I'm not clear if I'm doing it correctly. I go to Packet Management and it says that it is attempting to download updates but then the cogs appear and the box either crashes or becomes unresponsive. First of all, will there still be updates available for this image and if so, what am I doing wrong? I can download plugins and update them also. Secondly, will Openpli 4 be available for my box? Sorry that was quite a big first post but I look forward to your replies. Cheers!!