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Member Since 25 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active 01 Feb 2014 14:24

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In Topic: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0

28 January 2014 - 00:42

hallo again.....now monde recepteur has by me only 2 links not giving errors... the first  2 downside.... greetings 

In Topic: TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0

25 January 2014 - 23:10

Hallo everyone....i am using tsMedia 4.8 with et9000 and sifteam koala firmware and OE 1.6 ( i think )  so i am waiting for TSmedia 5.0 for my system....anyway i am testing Monde recepteur section.. and found that the last 14 links give me the error no links available or download error...is that for i haven't the 4.9 version ? when can we something new after 4.8 for oe1.6 ? Shoukran jazilan w tcharafna  ( to mr Fara)

ah, very nice plugin 
