All video settings within scaler sharpness are same.Maybe you'll have to check the setting of the scaler sharpness: Menu-> Setup -> System -> A/V Settings -> Scaler sharpness
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In Topic: HDMI output missing after updating
27 September 2015 - 15:13
In Topic: HDMI output missing after updating
27 September 2015 - 14:16
Thank you, but i looking for oldy buildings dated february-march 2015
In Topic: HDMI output missing after updating
27 September 2015 - 13:36
Tell me please, where can i find the oldy buildings for dm800se?Drivers are always supplied by the manufacturer, we use what we are given. There are no "pli drivers".
In Topic: HDMI output missing after updating
27 September 2015 - 11:44
Openpli images always have a good quality picture, which was different to original dmm image for dm800hdse. Today its looks like the same((( may be openpli team start to use dmm drivers? Haw can i change them to pli drivers by myself?Is it possible?
In Topic: HDMI output missing after updating
27 September 2015 - 11:00
No. Resolution is ok ... 1080i.Can't be, the HDMI/DVI issue is a cosmetic one, it affects a display string only. Perhaps you have selected something else by mistake, or perhaps 720p instead of 1080i?
It looks like pli use some new filter or new software. I noticed it when have update my dm800se from 21.02.2015 to 27.09.2015. DVI in settins is not reason, i think so.
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