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Member Since 1 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active 27 Sep 2015 16:28

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In Topic: HDMI output missing after updating

27 September 2015 - 15:13

Maybe you'll have to check the setting of the scaler sharpness: Menu-> Setup -> System -> A/V Settings -> Scaler sharpness

All video settings within scaler sharpness are same.

In Topic: HDMI output missing after updating

27 September 2015 - 14:16


Thank you, but i looking for oldy buildings dated february-march 2015

In Topic: HDMI output missing after updating

27 September 2015 - 13:36

Drivers are always supplied by the manufacturer, we use what we are given. There are no "pli drivers".

Tell me please, where can i find the oldy buildings for dm800se?

In Topic: HDMI output missing after updating

27 September 2015 - 11:44

Openpli images always have a good quality picture, which was different to original dmm image for dm800hdse. Today its looks like the same((( may be openpli team start to use dmm drivers? Haw can i change them to pli drivers by myself?Is it possible?

In Topic: HDMI output missing after updating

27 September 2015 - 11:00

Can't be, the HDMI/DVI issue is a cosmetic one, it affects a display string only. Perhaps you have selected something else by mistake, or perhaps 720p instead of 1080i?

No. Resolution is ok ... 1080i.
It looks like pli use some new filter or new software. I noticed it when have update my dm800se from 21.02.2015 to 27.09.2015. DVI in settins is not reason, i think so.