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Member Since 12 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active 16 Nov 2023 03:04

Topics I've Started

OpenWebif issue: unescaped js string

16 October 2021 - 02:51

Hi, there is an issue in OpenWebif with the link to stream the current service (tooltip "Stream:<program name>") located in the top right on the OpenWebif page ("osd" div).
When a recording is played and the filename (i.e. the name of the recorded program/transmission) contains one or more single quotes (that is an apostrophe, so is relatively common in some languages) the browser (chrome in my test) console show the error "Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list".

The problem is that internally the onclick event call the jumper80(<path>) javascript function (remember, when playing a recorded program) with the filename as argument and the filename is not properly escaped, so if it contains a single quote.......it breaks.

For the record I'm using VU+ Suo4K SE with OpenPli 8.1-release build 2021-09-15, last update 2021-10-12, but I think the problem exists in any decoder using OpenWebif.

I understand that, as far as I'm aware of, OpenWebif is not maintained directly by the OpenPli team but....I'm not sure where else to report this issue!

VU+ DUO 4K SE, pcsc and oscam

16 May 2021 - 11:23

I'm (almost!) desperate, I just got my new VU+ DUO 4k SE and I can't get an external Onmikey card reader to work.

With OpenPli I've installed pcscd and it works fine (reader & card detected), BUT, I'm unable to find a oscam with pcsc that works.
Does anybody know if oscam for OpenPli 8.0 with pcsc is available somewere? Any oscam version (well...few years old..).

I've tried to build oscam using SimpleBuild Script (I'm not an expert in crosscompiling) with no success, it's not clear to me what toolchain to use for OpenPli 8.0, or if it's available at all in SimpleBuild.
Is there a "receipe" to build oscam for Openpli 8.0? What's the correct toolchain o use?

Thank you in advance for any hint.