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Member Since 9 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active 21 Apr 2016 14:20

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In Topic: Flashing solo pro v3

21 April 2016 - 10:42

Well that is one definition of a clone, Dolly the Sheep would think otherwise, and most STB's I've seen have been well made.

The worst one was an original Canal+ receiver which needed resoldering its bits.


I can't find the forum rules, so perhaps a link would help as the search facility says No results found for 'forum rules'.

Its some time since I joined and mainly read things rather than ask questions or argue.


As to PC's we again disagree, as there were many clones of the original IBM designs, IBM chose to allow a lot of its

IP to become an open standard.  It is no longer in the PC business.  Perhaps the only really genuine PC was

made by Epson who made everything from many of the chips, to the floppy and hard drives and the BIOS. Their technical

manuals explain computer design better than anything else.  They also no longer make PC's


I won't ask any further questions about openpli on my new box but it works fine.

In Topic: Flashing solo pro v3

19 April 2016 - 22:28

The problem with most clones is inferieur hardware (components).


So the story goes, and yet most companies making satellite receivers contract out the actual manufacture to ... China.


I actually got banned on another forum for asking how to unbrick another clone with a bad bootloader and was lectured about how

clones are badly made, by people who probably can't solder and haven't got a well equipped workshop;  I've been building radios since I

was 13 and have spent a lifetime repairing electronic equipment, so know badly made stuff when I see it and can measure it.


But if mention of clones is verboten it would be good to state that on the website. Otherwise one might assume that open

source software does not really care what it runs on. For the record the box does run the latest version OK.

In Topic: Flashing solo pro v3

17 April 2016 - 13:57

Ask the manufacturer...


But anyway this sounds like a clone, so it won't get support anyway.

I thought the project was "a community project focused on developing software for open source

linux dvb receivers using the linux operating system." rather than just particular manufacturers


I like the idea of open source as (at work) it allows me to customise the system and eliminate  bugs easily.

Of course there is a steep learning curve on any existing complex software package.

I've also released some freeware which solved problems for me and would be useful to others. 


Having started creating software in 1967 its not something new.

Are clones automatically 'bad' ?  Are you using an original IBM PC/AT ... probably not, neither am I although

I do own one.


have a nice day.

In Topic: Flashing solo pro v3

15 April 2016 - 15:18

Well there certainly is an image and it works, hence the Galileo quote but apologise for my heresy in asking a simple question with an easy answer.

Maybe you should create an 'official' image for the box as its very nice :)

In Topic: Flashing solo pro v3

15 April 2016 - 09:29

I'm sorry I thought this was a support forum for openpli - which is the system I prefer - and that the word OPEN meant that.


Anyway the answer is to copy the files onto the memory stick 'as is' and power the box on with the front panel button held down and flashes


Now I know and hopefully someone with the same problem will read this post and get the help they needed.


Which is what I think support forums are good for


Thank you for your time.