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Member Since 9 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active 04 Mar 2014 19:08

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In Topic: xtrend et-9500 (SilverEdition) HBBTV problem

15 February 2014 - 23:24

yes wat ever all image some

i did test on openpli open xta opneatv xta-alliance it all some

i did sent back to customer he will let test it byselfh

In Topic: xtrend et-9500 (SilverEdition) HBBTV problem

9 February 2014 - 21:10

that  maybe missing for plugin of silveredition

my openion it plugin of the HBBTV, but when i was checking av setting etc i try witch hdmi to scar the was screen their in few second goes back to logo.


it mean the channel is running on  background of Logo  on VLC or from webinterface it can show channel


think it plugin need to update


hope full will fix it