You can download rytec.channels-sat.xml.gz from the same location you downloaded the xmltv file. It contains the mapping between the ID and the service reference.
Thank you. First, let me just report success thanks to all your help. For the first time in years I have a one-week EPG on all French channels, with lowercase and proper accents: great !!!!
For the record, what needed be done for Rytec to work on E1 was:
- fix the retrieval url to a working one
- convert the retrieved XML from UTF-8 back to iso8859-1 (removing the BOM, and adapting the XML prologue). Did it in Tcl.
- fetch once before using the mapfile-editing GUI (otherwise "unknown" is empty or unusable)
- understand that the GUI does not "forget" settings, but presents a vector (one for each of the .cfg), where each one can independently be added/removed from the crontab
Now as to rytec.channels-sat.xml.gz : it is indeed very simple to extract the reduced info useful for E1:
<channel id="">1:0:1:200B:430:1:C00000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- CANAL+ CINEMA -->