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Member Since 19 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active 04 Feb 2022 15:29

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In Topic: Streamproxy transcoding problem on Vuplus Duo2 OpenPli 7.3

6 October 2020 - 12:57

Ok, thanks guys for your help.
Unfortunately in this new version transcode only worked with VPN option. 
I know it's safier but im my case i prefer to use http authentication... 

In Topic: Streamproxy transcoding problem on Vuplus Duo2 OpenPli 7.3

5 October 2020 - 19:21

i think this one   :)    desativar acesso remoto ac utilizador root



Lol, thanks teo1966, and yeap is this one, when i deactivated the VPN line appears, im doing tests right now...


But im testing after a fresh firmware install


:)  :)

In Topic: Streamproxy transcoding problem on Vuplus Duo2 OpenPli 7.3

4 October 2020 - 23:55

menu / applicaties / openwebif / vpn on


hmmmm on openpli menu? Like  menu > plugins > openwebif?


cant find VPN settings there...




In Topic: Streamproxy transcoding problem on Vuplus Duo2 OpenPli 7.3

2 October 2020 - 01:47

Have you in your openwef settings access from vpn on or off
You can't try this to set on

Cant find vpn settings on open webif via browser. There is a config file?

In time, i try to transcode recorded movies and it worked.... But cant transcode Channels

In Topic: Streamproxy transcoding problem on Vuplus Duo2 OpenPli 7.3

1 October 2020 - 02:47

There is a communication problem from streamproxy to openwebif to tune the requested channel.
Is openwebif running on your box?
Or is there a compatibility problem between current streamproxy and current openwebif to use GET /web/stream without authentication from

Yes, webif running ok

About a possible compatibility problem, i dont know how to solve It...

Can u give me some directions?