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28 March 2014 - 01:20
i already search my friend but as i told you already im new so i can t understand evrything and i m afraid to do something which i don t know very well
So i wiil kindly ask for a step by step guide if it s not problem for the forum
thank you again...
27 March 2014 - 22:54
i don t know if it sthe right place to ask but does anybody can help me on how to install ts panel also?
and in the small display in front of the dreambox how can i put "picons" ?
Lot of questions but as i told you before... i m new ...
27 March 2014 - 22:43
thank you my friend
27 March 2014 - 16:21
hallo to everyone i am new to this site and i need your help.
I have the Dreambox Dm800HD Se (clone) and i have open pli 3.0 and i want to change my bootlogo picture.
Is there any step by step guide on how to do it?
Thank 's ...