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Member Since 8 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active 25 Jun 2014 08:26

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In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

16 April 2014 - 08:42

I think my Problem is the lamedb, I am not sure what are the right pids pcr etc..... So the message of time PTM on the screen come again and again.

Could anybody paste just the BBC channels lines from lamedb here please? I tried with some of the thread posted before but with no good results. Because, as well, the box change the lines when I restart it.

I use Mgcam1.8c with the correct information ...............

In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

10 April 2014 - 18:25

I follow the instructions of blady74 as well, and at less on demux0  working on short mode it is not freeze, but no picture at all, I am working with Mgcamd 1,38. Is there any line to add on the script mentioning the camd?

Thank you

I follow the instructions of blady74 as well, and at less on demux0  working on short mode it is not freeze, I am tryng long and it works ( well I guess, because zapping the channels they are not freeze)), but no picture at all, I am working with Mgcamd 1,38. Is there any line to add on the script mentioning the camd?

I did a search too because i cannot fine the lines to put on the file lamedb, and I got the PMT message

Thank you

This is my script v.5:


scriptName="bbc_pmt_v5.py -t long -d /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 "
while [ 1 ]
echo "=== starting $scriptName" >> $logName
$scriptPath/$scriptName >> $logName 2>&1
echo "=== $scriptName exited..." >> $logName

In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

10 April 2014 - 18:18

I follow the instructions of blady74 as well, and at less on demux0  working on short mode it is not freeze, but no picture at all, I am working with Mgcamd 1,38. Is there any line to add on the script mentioning the camd?

Thank you

In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

9 April 2014 - 18:01

Hi Secaspider,


see post No. #432 of this thread ! It's all in this thread !

Thank you very much i did step by step your instructions, but how i run the scripts? Does the image run automatically after a restart?. The openwebif i select no password, to make it easy., 

I tried again and the screen show the PTM message. Can you paste the lines of the bbc package channelsto put on lmdb?.

I don´t know what else could be .... :(  :(

In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

9 April 2014 - 06:26

Hi , y a trying to follow, what to do, but iget crossed .
Can anybody write the steps to do it and how to run the scripts??
I would be pleased.
Thank you