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Member Since 25 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active 26 Apr 2014 14:48

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In Topic: Vu clone attack

25 April 2014 - 22:00

Too bad some countries are lawless and turn a blind eye to counterfeit!


You are wright.


The store i buy from does not allow clones ...

never say never...

i kew a lot of stores who sell counterfact as original :) and not on the 3-rd countries :)


Maybe we need to punish resellers/sellers like theparasol says and not the end users.

If you remember some DMM members was punised by "end users" , some cars are burned up :)

i disagree this kind of practice.

In Topic: Vu clone attack

25 April 2014 - 18:44

Clones are "most wanted " because are ceapest.

I' didn't use a clone but i think it's not end user fault.

It's a unfair battle. 

DEv teams can't spit against "clone" manufacturers because they can have courage to pay lawers to defeat "original" products.

International laws can't get effect on China.

So they goes against end users.

But i say: even dev teams destruct all clones, they  can't increase selling of "originals".

It's rules market.

If i have no money i don't buy.

It's not my case i use original products because i can buy.

For others who can't buy ?

It's unfair to compare anvelope or aibags with s.r. clones. Everybody knows they can give soddisfaction at half price. It can't affect our life and our lives :)

I have my own bussines-i do service for pc, sat, phones and i saw manny products originals or not.

Some times a "clone" do it better like an "original".

From this war the only who can loose are the END USERS.

Why need to punish the end user?

In Topic: Vu clone attack

25 April 2014 - 17:04

Hi all,

It's my first post on this forum, but i'm an oldiest on the "sat".

Maybe the real fault isn't on end users.

The only fault whou them can have it -buying "clones".

But a clone cost 35£+wat+TAX no more than 50-55£ and "original" cost 130-140£.

The manufacturer are the same 99% of cases who produce "original" or "clones"

The market for "original" are drasticly decreased according to latest policy of SAT providers to stop piracy and card sharing.

Killng the clones won't increase selling from no one.

who loose? who won?

Only manufacturer.

End user are penalized on both way.

Maybe you are wright when you say -buy only originals.

But i'm think peoples of poor countries can not buy nothing even thi price for "originals" are half.
We talk about originals because we have around of 2000€ or more salary.

But on poor countries 75% have under 70€/month.

So we can tell them "be scotish" buing only expensive products.

I think not.