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Member Since 21 May 2014
Offline Last Active 26 May 2014 18:41

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In Topic: subtitle version 3.26 problem

23 May 2014 - 14:29

I did everything you said but when i reboot the system the version 3.29 does not exist.

And when i go to extensions the version 3.26 still exists even though i've deleted it.

In Topic: subtitle version 3.26 problem

22 May 2014 - 19:55

I've already done that.
The process i'm using is:
I open Dreambox control center and i go to FTP/USR/LIB/ENIGMA2/PYTHON/PLUGINS/EXTENSIONS and after that i don't know where exactly the latest version 3.29 
must go.
What should i do?
Because when i have the 3.26 version there is a folder named DD_subt but when i delete the 3.26 the folder not exist.

In Topic: subtitle version 3.26 problem

22 May 2014 - 19:45

I've already done that.
The process i'm using is:
I open Dreambox control center and i go to FTP/USR/LIB/ENIGMA2/PYTHON/PLUGINS/EXTENSIONS and after that i don't know where exactly the latest version 3.29 
must go.
What should i do?
Because when i have the 3.26 version there is a folder named DD_subt but when i delete the 3.26 the folder not exi