Great Info Friend. I had to set my TV from "16:9" or "original" to "Just scan" option in order to see 100% of the screen. Thank you for that. Now, is there any harm to the system if I delete the skin_user_PLI-HD2.xml from enigma2?
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- Birthday September 16, 1986
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In Topic: PLi-HD2 - slightly enlarged
23 October 2014 - 19:26
In Topic: PLi-HD2 - slightly enlarged
23 October 2014 - 14:57
Here it is what I have on my TV: now what should I do?
In Topic: PLi-HD2 - slightly enlarged
23 October 2014 - 09:10
I really like like the HD 2 skin, everything looks perfect, except the volume bar can't bee seen. It's too much on the left. Can you fix that please.
In Topic: Why single EPG has been removed from the default Button?
11 October 2014 - 18:12
The latest updates of OpenPli have really shown very good improvements. But one thing I'd like to be fixed is to choose what king of EPG we would like to be when we press the EPG button.
No problem: go to 'Hotkey' and assign anything you want to the EPG-button. Even multiple functions if you want to.
Thanks man, it worked. You just tought me something new.
In Topic: Why dropping frames when recording hd channels
9 June 2014 - 21:40
Thank you very much guys, it was it. I left the box to initialize an 8 gb USB Stick, and after that I recorded a channel that used to have more dropping frames, now it was perfect. So, this means that I have to use a linux operating system to transfer the data from USB or HDD, but thanks again for helping me to find a solution.
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