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Member Since 7 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active 12 Oct 2020 10:23

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In Topic: Bricked Box -Vu Duo - Please help if you can!

7 June 2014 - 11:39


thank you for this thread guys !


Last night I had the same problem here with my VU+ Duo.


It first "behaved" curious and rebooted in a loop over a time of approximately 15 minutes.

Then I turned the box off and waited several minutes.

After that, the box didn't start up anymore and the only sign of life was the red LED when powering up.


I immediately had the power supply under suspicion, because with now ~4 years of operation, the capacitors should be overdue.

A quick check with the multimeter at the supply voltages showed me that at least all voltages were there (so no diodes or zener-diodes should have been defective)... but instead of rigging up my old Tectronix to check the ripple, I went to bed then.


So this morning I've been looking at several forums, if the problem is already known, and found this thread ;-).


After changing C807 on the STB-board (replaced it with 470uF/16V), I took a closer look at the power supply pcb, where I additionally changed C14, C15 (replaced both with 2200uF/10V/105°) and C17 (took another 470uF/16V/105°).


Now there's nearly no ripple at the +5V Vcc... and, of course, the box works again.


