Which skin is this actually about? maybe I can do some testing here.
Any luck?
27 April 2021 - 12:41
Which skin is this actually about? maybe I can do some testing here.
Any luck?
22 April 2021 - 11:01
That "dot" thing is not the skin's fault, it's the settings list that did that.
Which skin is this actually about? maybe I can do some testing here.
This is based on the MX Graphite skin by Matrix10.
21 April 2021 - 22:07
Yeah, I don't think there is OpenPli 4.0 available for Dreambox 800 SE
20 April 2021 - 14:34
könnte auch an deinem Font liegen, ist vielleicht versetzt, nimm probeweise einen anderen Font zum Testen
Check my screenshots. These are with Regular font. One setting is "top" and one is "bottom". As you can see, no difference. It looks better, it's centered, but the code doesn't work, and I don't like that default Regular font.
20 April 2021 - 14:27
Tried it, didn't change anything. Here's my code:
<widget name="list" position="20,65" size="1180,810" valign="center" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" enableWrapAround="1" foregroundColor="#ffffff" foregroundColorServiceNotAvail="#999999" colorEventProgressbarSelected="#ffffff" colorServiceDescription="#afafaf" colorServiceDescriptionSelected="#ffffff" serviceItemHeight="45" serviceNumberFont="Regular;26" serviceNameFont="FjallaOne-Regular;34" serviceInfoFont="NewsCycle;30" backgroundColor="bgbutton" backgroundColorSelected="#000000" selectionPixmap="Amala/menu/button1180x45.png" transparent="1"/>
And I have attached 2 screenshots, one with the setting "top" and one "bottom". As you can see there is no difference in the result. It's like that widget code isn't working at all. But I know it's working, because I can change the font type and size. I don't get it...