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Member Since 2 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active 22 May 2020 14:36

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VU+ Duo 4k change SNR from % to db

30 April 2020 - 14:41

Hi All,


First of all, thank you for all the hard work trough the years. Im using OpenPli for more than 10 years now and it is still my favourite.


Second thing is i know that VU+ cant show SNR in db out of the box.


Some Years ago when i bought the Solo 4k i had the same Problem and i could find a modified FrontendInfo.py file for the solo 4k.


Just to know if the code still would work for the Duo 4k i tried it out and it worked for the SNR part. Its showing now SNR in db for Sat and Cable.


But im missing now the Tuner Slot Info in the Infobar....there is just N/A instead of "A B I". Of yourse i made a backup of the original file and if i restore it the Tuner Info is back, but also the SNR in %.


Can somebody point me to the original FrontendInfo.py file from VU+ Duo 4K, so i can try to adjust that original file instead to use that from Solo 4K. The Image on the Duo 4K is the latest OpenPli 7.2.


If you are wondering why i want that in db, it is just cause i like it more than %, even if it is not so accurate as like the %. i never used the % so i am used to db. ^^