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Member Since 6 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active 18 Jul 2024 17:50

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Nieuwe versie van drambox edit een ramp

24 February 2017 - 09:53

U kunt beter E-channelizer gebruiker. Gratis en veel beter.

In Topic: Bliksemontlading HDMI defect

7 July 2016 - 15:28

Ik heb ook blikseminslag gehad. Ook bij mij was de HDMI uitganf van de ET7500 kapot.

In Topic: Firmware Edision OS mini

28 June 2016 - 09:46

Yes, the Edision OSmini and the OSmini + both are still being supported by Openpli. But, due to all kind of circumstances like moving our complete infrastructure, the relapse of Openpli 5, which I hope will happen within a few weeks from now, a busy schedule of some members involved, some things are less important at the moment. Another thing could be that there is a mistake in the building process. I'm not aware of all details.

Thank's for the information. I'll be patient. BTW is it safe to flash this latest version 'openpli-4.0-beta-osmini-20160616_usb.zip'?