Anybody has tested on 8.1 plugin backupSuite on zgemma H9 combo?
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In Topic: Release Openpli 8.1 available in the downloadsection.
2 September 2021 - 17:04
In Topic: Terrestrial Scan
16 May 2021 - 11:33
Sorry for the delay due to health problems.
Thanks for the replay, I hope @Huevos finds the time and the desire to find the solution defined "short term solution"
In Topic: Terrestrial Scan
6 May 2021 - 16:21
Many responded off topic by expressing their opinions.
Now I would like to express my opinion with 2 questions.
1) is it wrong or is it correct to rely on a plugin that I found among the system plugins that the image offers?
2) is it wrong or is it correct to report to the team that it doesn't work while on other images the plugin works very well?
I ask nothing more to be able to continue using Openpli, if this is not possible I will use another image that supports the terrestrialscan plugin.
In Topic: Terrestrial Scan
5 May 2021 - 21:31
Maybe need remove old versian terrestrialscan
And add original version Huevos
With his permission, of course.
Thank you
I'll follow your advice
In Topic: Terrestrial Scan
5 May 2021 - 21:29
In short, the plugin doesn't work, it just looks the same normal scan.
And what difference do those many options have, if you only have a few transponders and a short list of channels?
Just trying to understand the value while not having the time and energy to install an OE-A plugin...
With normal scanning you only get a "Last Scanned" folder in which you find the channels in alphabetical order.
With the "Terrestrial Scan" plugin you get a second folder named "Terrestrial" with the channels in order with the rules of your country.
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