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Member Since 29 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active 04 Jul 2017 17:30

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In Topic: KodiDirect.v3.1 How-To

14 November 2016 - 18:32

Is it possible to upload here zip file containing STALKER client for mips and sh4 in order to install it from appropriate Kodi menus?

In Topic: KodiDirect.v3.1 How-To

13 November 2016 - 12:53

Any other addon works ?

Yes. m3uplayer, for instance,

In Topic: KodiDirect.v3.1 How-To

13 November 2016 - 01:41

I've installed KodiDirect from feed (image - OpenATV 5.3, receiver - GI 9196 Lite). After first run KodiDirect offered to get latest update. After all updates Enigma restarted. I've launched Kodi from main menu and tried to install STALKER add-on from KodiDirect list (Install from KodiDirect list -> IPTV) - nothing happened. There were two items in list named "stalker", I've tried both. m3uplayer from this list installed successfully. Is there any opportunity to fix this problem?