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Member Since 9 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active 02 Aug 2023 17:42

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In Topic: MetrixHD mod by Taykun345

22 January 2015 - 20:40

The one on the feed is the recommended one. On my 1080p 50" Samsung plasma I dont have problems with skin size. Just fiddle with your TV settings - overscan.

Some people, like me, don't have overscan-Settings on her TV's. I use the "OSD Position Setup"-Plugin to correct the Position of this Skin.

For me this is the first skin with this positioning-problem....but anyway...the skin looks much better then the rest, so i've no choice. ;-)

In Topic: MetrixHD mod by Taykun345

20 December 2014 - 20:12

Which plasma you have? I also have X10 plasma (second TV) and I think there is an option.


In Topic: MetrixHD mod by Taykun345

20 December 2014 - 14:17

You can't disable overscan on CRT-tv's.
It's better to change the x-position of the label "session.CurrentService" to a positive value. Same value as the x-position of the picon: 32 is a good value to avoid overscan-problems.

I've also overscan problems with this skin. https://www.dropbox....erscan.jpg?dl=0

As you see on my tv I miss some pixels on the left and on the bottom side. The problem only affects the info bar.

I've a Panasonic Plasma and it seems there is no overscan Option in the setup of my TV. So I can't turn it off.

Can you explain which lines I've to edit in the skin.xml? I've searched for session.CurrentService and found a lot matches!

This skin is really nice and I would like to use it as my primary skin.

In Topic: Tomaten auf den Augen...

11 December 2014 - 09:35

Ich hätte Timeshift-Einstellungen auf jeden Fall unter “Aufnahme“ vermutet.

Jetzt brauch ich nur noch einen Tipp zu “newtrend hbbtv“.

In Topic: Tomaten auf den Augen...

11 December 2014 - 07:24

PTS findest Du unter Einstellungen - System - Benutzeroberfläche! Da dann "Automatischer Timeshiftstart nach"!

hbbtv musst Du erst installieren unter Plugins - Plugins herunterladen - extensions und dann "newtrend hbbtv"!

Danke, PTS habe ich nun gefunden...wer auch immer auf die Idee kam diese Einstellung unter “Benutzeroberfläche“ zu verstecken. ;-)

Das mit newtrend hbbtv gestaltet sich schwierig. Unter Extensions finde ich nichts...rein alphabetisch gibt's newsreader & newtube. Von newtrend ist nichts zu sehen. Auch mit h... gibt es nix passendes.