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Member Since 11 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active 19 Dec 2014 16:07

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In Topic: Xtrend ET4000

18 December 2014 - 22:13

Wow me and my friend might have to stop doing this for now I guess. You're scaring me man!

That sucks though I can't afford it all by myself!!!


Also the rules don't say that its illegal especially if you do pay subscription fees to the tv company hemertje mate.



I think the most important thing is you don't use some of these dubious for-pay sharers!!! They're the ones hurting the tv companies.

In Topic: Xtrend ET4000

18 December 2014 - 01:42

I sure hope this C line business is about another box in your house. Using shares is illegal, and our forum rules forbid discussing it here.



its not in my house, its in my friend's house and we share the subscription bill together... is that a problem? WanWizard, sir?



I dunno but as long as you're not using an illegal and dubious for-pay cardshare providers that shouldn't be a problem.

In Topic: Xtrend ET4000

18 December 2014 - 01:16

Yep, I'm glad I made the right decision. I already got the Xtrend ET4000 and installed the latest image. Its funny and so cool to me that I got to install an image from TODAY... haha my DM500S image was from years ago.


I heard that oscam is better than CCcam so I installed that. However I'm facing two issues that are giving me a headache, one is I get this error:


- Error: [Errno 146] Connection refused


I installed oscam by going to Menu -> Plugins -> softcam  and then I installed Oscam Status which when I open on the TV it says "Oscam Status 0.61 @localhost"




The other issue is I tried to put a C: line on the oscam, I couldn't find a proper tutorial but I found posts on forums that answer people who asked for it, and there was different ways of doing it.


Anyway my C line share opens up for a few seconds like 3 to 5 seconds then it freezes for a long time and opens again...etc


Thank you so much guys!