Thanks Happysat - imaging now. its doing a scan. While I'm waiting.. there is 72 MB available in /var/volatile mounted as tmpfs (0% used) - is there any way I can use that or mount it in root?
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4 January 2015 - 17:05
Thanks Happysat - imaging now. its doing a scan. While I'm waiting.. there is 72 MB available in /var/volatile mounted as tmpfs (0% used) - is there any way I can use that or mount it in root?
4 January 2015 - 16:42
Hi, my box now boots up OK etc but I cannot get TSMedia working on it. I also cant get a USB stick to mount properly - I want to add extra disk space as it only has 60 MB space available on root
On another note, thee is 72 MB available in /var/volatile mounted as tmpfs - is there any way I can use that or mount it in root? Or change the weighting?
Any help much appreciated
4 January 2015 - 13:12
This worked for me (from page 1)
init 4
opkg install enigma2-fonts --force-reinstall
init 3
4 January 2015 - 02:37
hi I have a dvb800 hd pvr and just updated it with this image an it gets to the stage where I can connect with DCC so it gets an ip address but I just get the picture of the railway surrounded by 30 or so other pictures. and a small set of cogs appear every now and again. The LCD sticks at about 30%.
frustrating. like a wasp that wont allow you to programmatically design a house for wasps even though wasps wont even live there. And wasps cant talk. But they can hum. no idea how wasps got into this conversation
is this a conversation? not sure.