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Member Since 13 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active 11 Mar 2024 22:15

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In Topic: Howto build unofficial pli for your unsupported receiver

20 July 2018 - 14:19

Multi channel downmix on NASA TV UHD works, about AC3+ audio - I have no idea how to fix this.

Yes, I know that downmix is working, but prefer to use multichannel sound. Please, let me know if you find solution.

In Topic: Howto build unofficial pli for your unsupported receiver

17 July 2018 - 15:42

Thank you very much Zeros.

With latest image (I try only this from 13 July) most of issues I have in the past with openPLi images are solved. Now triple tuners DVB-S/C/T work like in DreamOS - can watch TV from DVB-S or DVB-C and record/PIP from DVB-C. Only one issue still remain - I use multichannel amplifier for sound via HDMI (CEC-HDMI is on and working). Amplifier support all current formats for digital audio. Unfortunately with all version of openPLi (including your latest image) when watch 4K channels with AC3+ audio there is no sound. Only way to have sound is to turn on downsample. In original DreamOS images no such issue. For example 13.0E Hotbird 11373H/27500 - NASA UHD
And one small issue - oscam-emu died immediately after start. Updating with latest version oscam-svn11425-arm_dream-webif-emu clear the issue.