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Member Since 6 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active 09 Jun 2015 22:07

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In Topic: SKY.NEW Skin V2.0

7 February 2015 - 00:37

also tried the enigma2-skin-sky.new_Chababu.V2.3_all.ipk and the same thing

In Topic: SKY.NEW Skin V2.0

7 February 2015 - 00:21

Hi excellent work, sorry i am a noob at this, i cant get it to work on the "cloud ibox 2 plus SE " I have placed the .IPK file in the temp folder then gone to >> plugins >> software management then install local extension >> Memory  /tmp >> Install Extensions. then ticked the file> enigma-skin-sky.new_Chababu_V2.0_all.ipk then clicked green button on the remote to install. and it says (Done Install, upgraded or removed 1 package with 0 errors) so i went to install the Skin by going to >>Menu >> Setup>> System>> Skin< and only the default skins show no SKY NEW SKIN :( i have tried rebooting the box and still nothing there i also tried file permission 777.   is there something i am doing wrong ?

if anyone could or would please help it would be much appreciated, as this skin looks great thanks for reading.