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Member Since 22 Feb 2015
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#1520279 Skin Zeta-Fhd v1.0.0 by mmark

Posted by rafail2003 on 20 February 2023 - 19:37

v.2.0.0 is Pubblic



Lululla wrote

The skin is basic, so the options you can install (find an .ipk file) are just to show you how the created panel system works.

and this oZeta skin dont'use Xtraevnt plugins

The skin has been tested on openspa - openpli and openatv.

For a correct installation it should be installed from ipk as there is information regarding the type of image used in your boxes.


- use Plugins.Extensions.WeatherPlugin (base) download from your image feed please


The plugin dedicated to its proper functioning is called zSetup

From here you can choose the parameters for your skin.

You can also import and set some widgets, such as the weather, or posters

Just follow the on-screen instructions.


zSetup also has the ability to update the skin, either automatically or with the Update button.

If you just leave Autoupdate ON, it will update only the zsetup plugin.

If instead you press the OK button, you will update the skin,

but at the moment it is not needed, when there are updates they will be exposed in this topic



How to remove oZeta Skin
remove from plugin browser (red button)
or from telnet line:
opkg remove enigma2-plugin-skins-ozeta
or you can also just remove the skin folder located in
and this

Thank's Mmark & Lululla



enigma2-plugin-skins-ozeta_2.0.0_all.ipk  13.3MB

#1356357 Skin Zeta-Fhd v1.0.0 by mmark

Posted by rafail2003 on 7 June 2021 - 18:34

Version 1.5.1 for OpenPLI v8.x


Thanks mmark

Attached Files