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Member Since 12 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active 08 Nov 2014 17:52

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In Topic: Sound Problen Canal Digital on HD Channels

7 November 2014 - 20:14

That one was recorded on TV4 HD at 0.8W

I just tried the latest openpli-4.0-beta-dm800se-20141107, that's supposed to have ac3+ patch?

The sound is slightly better but I can still hear the sound getting distorted especially when music is played. Not that easy to distinguish if just talk...


I also hear the "artifacts" on lower bitrate AC3 now, like this 6ch 384kbit grabbed from C More Hits...



In Topic: Sound Problen Canal Digital on HD Channels

7 November 2014 - 15:18

Here's an example ts.



In Topic: Sound Problen Canal Digital on HD Channels

7 November 2014 - 13:49

Any bitrate over 384 kbit is AC3+.

Not all receivers/tv's etc. can handle this, which is probably why you have no sound without AC3 downmix.


Well not so sure VLC says Codec A52 and not A/52 B which it does when playing E-AC3 (ac3+)


So I think the bad sound still originates from a plain AC3, which should allow bitrates up to 640kbit

In Topic: Sound Problen Canal Digital on HD Channels

5 November 2014 - 14:12

Same louzy sound here, seems to be higher bit rate AC3 streams, did some test recordings the one i tried with bad sound were 2ch 576kbit.

Another that sounds ok is 6ch 384kbit.