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Member Since 20 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active 29 Sep 2024 03:34

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In Topic: Octagon SF8008 OpenPli Support

25 June 2020 - 18:24

hello, it's very fast ..."turbo" :) but I have noticed the stunning speed of OpenPLI on SF8008 some months ago


if you are interested (here at least) I've some problems with XFS formatted (only for speed reasons) external devices.


OpenPLI does not detect my small external SSD disk XFS formatted.

But appear with "modprobe xfs" via telnet terminal


Starting from this moment I can browse and use all the contained files..but when I want "install local ipk"  using "software manager" there is no way for choose the external hdd

(I always see 3 small and blank partitions -maybe - placed in the emmc + Pen Drives fat32 formatted


I can see this partitions listed under "install local ipk"  also if I manual umnount them one by one. But not the external and mounted xfs hdd..



yet I see the disk smoothly with any filebrowser
So ? 

In Topic: Octagon SF8008 OpenPli Support

7 April 2020 - 12:49

Ok, thanks. I've read all in this 3d and on Octagon forum since many days  :) so I'm waiting for the new multiboot and recovery (but also for Android 9 on SF8008)

some days ago I have removed the microsd because OpenPLI (placed in emmc ) from 10 days also detect some "strange things" :  eg. some PlugIns from the other images (partitions on the MicroSD) as installed/present...  :)  :huh: 

( this not happened with the rc and the first SF8008 releases )

In Topic: Octagon SF8008 OpenPli Support

7 April 2020 - 09:01

Hello, any news about the SF8008 multiboot ? 

Now I've two Octagon SF8008 (fully satisfied by the 1st one purchased now buyed the second one) +  Zgemma H9Combo and Anadol Multibox... the best thing with the Anadol is the multiboot and the recovery.

I also have one Dinobot 4k+ but too late I've discovered that it's not supported by the brand !