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Member Since 22 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active 09 Mar 2015 17:38

Posts I've Made

In Topic: After today's update (openpli DM8000 experimental) no more import

26 March 2012 - 19:34

After today's update (openpli DM8000 experimental) no more EPGImport, no matter which source I choose, it's always 0 events.

maybe there's a relation to the E2-commits regarding LC_TIMES some days ago.

Regards, Goedi

After today's update (experimental from 26.3.2012) everything works fine for me now.
Regards, Goedi

In Topic: Are there still people that use motorised installations ?

4 March 2012 - 10:05

For the willing and daring. Here is a version with support for the (re-)calculate command since this question keeps coming up now and then.
WARNING: THE (RE-)CALCULATE COMMAND IS UNTESTED BY ME. I am not willing to risk this with my own rotor setup. There is a confirmation messagebox before the (re-)calculation starts, so inadvertent button presses should do no harm.

Apart from this, there are minor cosmetic improvements.

Since the repo is not (yet) updated it seems with the patch in post #98, the diff included here is cumulative, i.e. it includes that patch.

After update to latest pli experimental image the recalculate-command works fine for me now.

Great work, thank you

Regards, Goedi

In Topic: Are there still people that use motorised installations ?

3 March 2012 - 16:55

For the willing and daring. Here is a version with support for the (re-)calculate command since this question keeps coming up now and then.
WARNING: THE (RE-)CALCULATE COMMAND IS UNTESTED BY ME. I am not willing to risk this with my own rotor setup. There is a confirmation messagebox before the (re-)calculation starts, so inadvertent button presses should do no harm.

Apart from this, there are minor cosmetic improvements.

Since the repo is not (yet) updated it seems with the patch in post #98, the diff included here is cumulative, i.e. it includes that patch.

It crashes when I start the plugin, so I couldn't test the recalculate command.

Crashlog attached.

Regards, Goedi

In Topic: Are there still people that use motorised installations ?

26 February 2012 - 14:50

Is there any chance to add the RE-SYNCRONIZE (RE-CALCULATE) -function to the Positioner-Setup-Plugin?

I did not want to support the re-calculate since most motors do not implement it and I don't like to develop something that I cannot test.

A few separate positioners apparently support the re-calculate, but they also have that built-in. In other words, why do you need that in the receiver? Is there something wrong with the built-in re-calculate?

Hello rhinoceros,
Built-in recalculate works fine, but is installed near the dish below the roof an is hard to reach. I always neet two persons to re-synchronise, both with handys, one to control the vbox, the other to check signal-strength.
Regards, goedi

In Topic: Are there still people that use motorised installations ?

25 February 2012 - 16:22

I have a 1.2m motorised dish, controlled by a GBox V4000 DiseqC 1.2 Positioner connected to my DM8000.

Is there any chance to add the RE-SYNCRONIZE (RE-CALCULATE) -function to the Positioner-Setup-Plugin?
It should be possible, Signal is 6F (http://www.eutelsat....cs/bus_spec.pdf)

Regards Goedi