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Member Since 29 May 2015
Offline Last Active 10 Dec 2024 14:12

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In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

14 July 2018 - 18:33

hi there

spending time after time it is working now all channels working first I thought might be free to air for weekend  :D

 I made mess in directories for now it is working with oscam emu I did install oscam and cccam as well while trying different softcam keys and oscam keys in usr/keys and etc/tuxbox/config/oscam problem when I change to other satellite like astra 19 and when swap back to bbc 27.5 west channel dose not open only works if I got. to channel 4 hd first and then all channel works is that might be a problem if those directories are full of different key file I don't know which should I keep and which delete by the way it is working with oscam and oscam emu openpli 6.2 

plz let me know which key file I remove 


In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

13 July 2018 - 21:28

hi there

thanks for reply correct me if I'm wrong so openpli with oscam and oscam key etc/tuxbox/config  right ? and edit lamedb do I need that 4 files 




​did manage solo2 but with those 4 files I didn't know if require that 4 files for dm900 


In Topic: Enigma2 and BBC/ITV at 27.5W Intelsat - a big challenge

13 July 2018 - 17:59

hi there

would like to know if dm900 can open that BBC channels 27.5 west 

I did try cccam edit lamedb and softcam key no picture vu+ solo2 working well but I don't know if 

dm900 able to open that 27.5 west side Many Thanks