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500S USB to Serial Adapter


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#1 EdSat

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Geplaatst op 13 oktober 2008 - 15:29

Will a USB to Serial adapter allow me to record to and play from an external hard drive?
DM500S, 2 x DM7020S

He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes.
He who does not remains a fool forever.
- Confucius

Re: 500S USB to Serial Adapter #2 Sjaaky

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Geplaatst op 13 oktober 2008 - 15:47

The serial port is 115200 baud, which will give you an throughput of ~10KByte/s. It takes 200 KByte/s for a low quality recording up to 1 MByte/s for very good quality recording. The quality is dependent on the channel, you cannot adjust this on dreambox itself.
The only way you can record with a dm500 is through the ethernet port, but the dm500 is known for its trouble with recording over a lan. You might be lucky.

Re: 500S USB to Serial Adapter #3 EdSat

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Geplaatst op 13 oktober 2008 - 16:57

Can a NAS device like the LyncSys 2 bay storage device shown in the photo be attached directly to the 500S to record and play?

Bijgevoegde Bestanden

DM500S, 2 x DM7020S

He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes.
He who does not remains a fool forever.
- Confucius

Re: 500S USB to Serial Adapter #4 Roodkapke

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Geplaatst op 13 oktober 2008 - 17:14

Probably, but if you want to spend so much money it might be wiser to upgrade your dreambox.
The 500 will almost always create drop-outs or hickups while recording or playing.

And a 600 will not, because of the interal hdd.
Or even a 7020. So it's what you'd want as an extra.
A 500 with a NAS is nice, but not the costeffective or quality assuring.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: DM500

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