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Member Since 8 Oct 2005
Online Last Active Today, 23:02

Posts I've Made

In Topic: streamrelay channels - crash on eventview

Today, 16:24

I cannot verify this crash. What are you exactly doing and/or what plugins do you have installed?

maybe post the complete crashlog?

In Topic: [WIP] PLi-DarkOS Skin

Today, 14:55

Needs a key in the autobackup screen…

In Topic: Telenet CI+ module werkt niet meer na update OpenPLi 9.0

Today, 08:03

De instellingen worden wel overgenomen maar die certificaten mag je apart opgeven.

In Topic: Crash log

Yesterday, 23:05

Sure..:: some are master in breaking things as they are… maybe the coding is better and more efficient but enigma2 also has a history. And I also now python 3 breaks especially closed source plugins…. But it was weighted. I still think you should improve and optimize stuff but you still need balance in not breaking a lot of stuff when it is not really needed. When you optimize things then at least try to keep it as compatible as possible.

In Topic: Telenet CI+ module werkt niet meer na update OpenPLi 9.0

Yesterday, 20:26

Ci+ werkt ook in 9.0 en develop alhiero waarvan akte. Het is een kwestie van licentie files op de juiste plek zetten.