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Lid geworden: 21 aug 2011
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#811870 BackupSuite

Geplaatst door Pike_Bishop aan 12 december 2017 - 21:39

Hi Pedro,


best wishes for future, and many thanks for your backupsuite and support :)





#805202 mediainfo on feed is very old it's version 1.2

Geplaatst door Pike_Bishop aan 29 november 2017 - 01:13



as the title says, the plugin mediainfo on feed is very old and it works no longer complete.

please put the newest one which i attach on feed (it works with pli i have test it with vu ultimo 4k).





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#804539 Update von Pli 6 stable

Geplaatst door Pike_Bishop aan 27 november 2017 - 20:47


Das ganze ist ja eh nur beim flash wichtig, oder?


Ja so denke ich jedenfalls, beim upgrade von stable zu stable version sollte das nicht nötig sein.



Ps: gibts eigentlich hier ne liste mit den plugins die auf dem feed liegen?


Verbinde dich einfach per telnet oder putty zur Box und setz den Befehl wie folgt ab;

opkg list | grep enigma2-plug > /tmp/plugin.list 2>&1

Dann solltest an deiner Box in /tmp ne Liste haben nennt sich in dem Fall plugin.list und die siehst dir mit nem Editor wie z.b: Notepad++ an.





#742153 how to zip a image backup to use with openmultiboot

Geplaatst door Pike_Bishop aan 18 juli 2017 - 19:01



here it works good, as example for my mutant hd 2400 if i zip a backup to install it with openmultiboot i named it;


i use 7zip for it.





#454313 user script on green button.

Geplaatst door Pike_Bishop aan 11 november 2014 - 16:56

Hi sjlouis,


ok now the script is a little bit greater. :)

i have build in logging and most programms and paths with variables, furthermore i have build in security query if a programm

as mv or rsync fails.

if mv or rsync fails then the script stops and you can see a wget error message on your tv without timeout

so that the message didn't disappears from osd on yor tv, but no fear normally a programm didn't fail.


also the last wget message when the script is successful finished didn't disappears , and you have also a logfile in /tmp

with name transfered_series.log - you can see in there what the script have done.

here now the script - please test it, it's all in english (you are french - am'i right ?)

the best way is you start the script and close promtly the first osd with exit button (it's only a empty screen - right ?) and then you wait a little bit to look

for the first wget message (this can take 10 seconds - because i have build in a wait from 10 seconds).

only the first wget message disappears after 15 seconds (timeout).

and now you can test if you look movies or whatever you do if you can see then the last wget message on your osd

have fun :)


## variables ##

# switch to the directory /tmp (TMP) so that the wget message files are then in /tmp (TMP)
cd $TMP

# if the script starts again - delete first the old files to wget mesages in /tmp (TMP)

# readout the IP of the box for wget messages
BOXIP="$($IFCONFIG "$INET_INTERFACE" | $HEAD -n 2 | $TAIL -n 1 | $CUT -d: -f2 | $CUT -d" " -f 1)"
$ECHO -e "\nIP of the Box -> $BOXIP" > $LOGFILE
BOXIP="$($ECHO http://$BOXIP)"

# job start (start time) and wget message on the osd of the tv
STARTDATE="$(date +%a:%b:%Y:%H:%M)" && $ECHO -e "\n! JOB START -> $STARTDATE !\n" >> $LOGFILE
$WGET "$BOXIP/web/message?text=!%20backup%20starts...%20->%20$STARTDATE%20!&type=1&timeout=15"
sleep 10

# wget error message if mv (MV) or rsync (RSYNC) fails
osd_error_message() {
    $WGET "$BOXIP/web/message?text=!!!%20truncation%20!!!%20details%20thereto%20in%20$LOGFILE%20!&type=3"

# transfered series to the targetdirectory (TARGETDIR)
$ECHO -e "\ntransfered series..." >> $LOGFILE

# query if the programm mv (MV) fails, if yes the script stops if not all is ok
if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
	$ECHO -e "\n! transfered series successful finalized !\n" >> $LOGFILE
	$ECHO -e "\n!!! truncation !!! transfered series failed," >> $LOGFILE
	$ECHO -e "maybe through problems with esata disc.\n" >> $LOGFILE
	exit 1

# backup the files with rsync (RSYNC)
$ECHO "backup files..." >> $LOGFILE
$RSYNC -ortuv --delete --exclude=$TRASH $MOVIEDIR $OTHER_MEDIA

# query if the programm rsync (RSYNC) fails, if yes the script stops if not all is ok
if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
	$ECHO -e "\n! backup files successful finalized !\n" >> $LOGFILE
	$ECHO -e "\n!!! truncation !!! backup files failed," >> $LOGFILE
	$ECHO -e "maybe through problems with esata disc.\n" >> $LOGFILE
	exit 1

# job end (end time) and wget message on the osd of the tv
ENDDATE="$(date +%a:%b:%Y:%H:%M)" && $ECHO -e "\n! JOB END -> $ENDDATE !\n" >> $LOGFILE
$WGET "$BOXIP/web/message?text=!%20backup%20successful%20completed%20->%20$ENDDATE%20!&type=1"




#453631 user script on green button.

Geplaatst door Pike_Bishop aan 7 november 2014 - 19:38

Hi sjlouis,


here now a example script it looks as following;


## variables ##

# the job starts
# general logging
exec >$LOGFILE; exec 2>&1

# read out IP of your box for messages with wget
BOXIP="$(ifconfig "$INET_INTERFACE" | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d" " -f 1)"
echo -e "\nIP of your Box -> $BOXIP\n"
BOXIP="$(echo http://$BOXIP)"

# change to the directory /tmp or as variable $TMP
cd $TMP

# remove the files of the old wget messages, otherwise you didn't got messages if you run the script again

# job starttime and message on the osd from your tv
STARTDATE="$(date +%a:%b:%Y:%H:%M)" && echo -e "\nJOB START -> $STARTDATE\n"
$WGET "$BOXIP/web/message?text=backup%20is%20starting%20->%20$STARTDATE&type=1&timeout=15"

# make a directory with name testdir in $TMP
mkdir testdir

# query if creating directory is successful or not (if it's not successful then the command after else grips)
if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
	echo "directory testdir created in $TMP:"
	echo -e "\nOK backup has finished\n"
	echo "sorry job failed, cannot create directory testdir in $TMP:"

# a wait from 10 seconds	
sleep 10

# job is ready and message thereto on the osd from your tv
ENDDATE="$(date +%a:%b:%Y:%H:%M)" && echo -e "\nJOB ENDE -> $ENDDATE\n"
$WGET "$BOXIP/web/message?text=OK%20backup%20has%20finished%20!!!%20->%20$ENDDATE&type=1&timeout=15"


name it test.sh, put it to /etc/shellscripts and make it with the following command in telnet executable;

 chmod 755 /etc/shellscripts/test.sh

then put it to a button for hotkey and test it.

it makes only a directory with name testdir in /tmp but you can see messages on the osd from your tv if your box is online with eth0

and you have then a logfile in /tmp with name test.log





#369364 here are the german translations for softcamSetup !

Geplaatst door Pike_Bishop aan 28 augustus 2013 - 13:26

hi pli team members,


the german translatios for /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/PLi/SoftcamSetup/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES

are very old and total uncompleted so i maked they complete and testet - they works very well now.


please can you put it in your image so that the translations always in the pli image also after a update ?

i attach here the .po and the .mo file and you can look what i maked with open the .po file with a linux editor.


thanks a lot once before !Bijlage  german_translations_scs.zip   2,89K   8 Aantal bijlagen




#247822 [CT ET 9x00] the new dvd player integration and EMC crashes

Geplaatst door Pike_Bishop aan 18 januari 2012 - 20:15

Hi littlesat,

thanks for reply !

But I see you last did upgrade your box on the 15th (sunday)... so please upgrade and try again. For the DVD player there were in between also some backwards compatible fixes for plugins...

ok i try it, but i have a new xtrend testing image (earlier this was the ct image) so it gives maybe trouble when i make an upgrade from PLI feed, but i have a backup.


#227295 CT ET9x00 and newest PLI -> spool records problems !

Geplaatst door Pike_Bishop aan 29 oktober 2011 - 11:27

Hi Guys,

It's a problem with the additional files they were created when we start a record !
As example;

When i remove the files;
and created the files with Plugin Reconstructapsc or with Plugin EnhancedMovieCenter again
and then play the record again i can spool this record now absolutely correct with speed two times up to hundredandtwentyaight times.

PLI Team -> Can you fix this ?


#222080 BackupSuite - Deutsch!

Geplaatst door Pike_Bishop aan 4 oktober 2011 - 16:53


Wo gibt es das plugin zum download in deutsch ?

Natürlich am Feed also online zu installieren (nennt sich backupsuite-deutsch) Version 6.2 beta.
Kannst es aber auch im CT Forum im entsprechenden Thread (englisch Thread) von @Pedro finden.

@Pedro and @littlesat
Thanks for the .ipk package and for to put them on the feed :)
Danke für die Bereitstellung des .ipk Packetes und dafür das es nun auf dem feed liegt.


#221894 Green screen by Timerconflict when i press the grren button

Geplaatst door Pike_Bishop aan 3 oktober 2011 - 19:33


Is your post at me adressed ? if yes then;

I don't see anything wrong with this thread, it contains the same posts as on the old site. Only some duplicates for some reason.

I know, i see also duplicates, but i seee all posts that i have seen on the old side.

Were you aware that you were looking at page 2? Maybe that's why you missed the first set of posts?

What ??? what du you mean -> have you read my posts?
I'am not missing posts here.
I will not forever a discussion about nothing !

Back to Topic also
Again the Problem (error)....
Here it gives a Problem namely that;
incl. crashlog
this Problem is from August and is at this time nor ever not fixed -> Why ???

The following patch caused this problem;

and i post here now the second one the fix from @mogli for the Problem in the attachment

Why do PLI ignore Users and not fix Problems ?
You can build an own fix or you can use the fix from @mogli
but it's time to fix this Problem.

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