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Member Since 21 Aug 2011
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#1620427 PLI Devel and streamrelay

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 1 May 2024 - 18:06

no, isn't overkill, that is your opinion and is not helpful.

as i said it's good for weak boxes with little power, otherwise it didn't works with this boxes.

and also you can share it with this methode to other boxes.


yes you can also use a other E2 box to share it but then this box (the server) must always be switched on, which means power consumption.

the Raspberry of course also needs power but much less than an E2 box, especially if it only serves as an oscam server.

#1620130 PLI Devel and streamrelay

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 29 April 2024 - 20:17

Hi guys,



I don't understand what he is doing. Why does he need Oscam on the Raspberry Pi client? The decryption should all happen on the server. And it does work. We have tested this extensively on E2 clients and even android clients running kodi.


First a Info to this methode;

This method is intended for weak boxes so that the Raspberry PI4 takes over the decryption.
However, you can of course also share to other boxes in this way.
It does not require any oscam on the E2 box itself, the oscam with the icam patches on the Raspberry Pi is sufficient
so which configs did you need ?
i post the oscam configs from the Raspberry Pi here
port                          = 9090
allowed                       =,
user                          = raspipi

stream_source_auth_user       = raspipi
stream_client_source_host     = 1
stream_ecm_delay              = 1
stream_emm_enabled            = 0
stream_relay_ctab             = 098D


label                         = emulator
protocol                      = emu
device                        = emulator
disablecrccws_only_for        = 0E00:000000
caid                          = 0500,0604,0E00,1010,1801,2600,2602,2610
detect                        = cd
ident                         = 0500:000000,007400,007800,021110,023800;0604:000000;0E00:000000;1010:000000;1801:000000,001101,002111,007301;2600:000000;2602:000000;2610:000000
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 2,1,2,1
emu_auproviders               = 0604:010200;0E00:000000;1010:000000;2610:000000

the reader for the sky card is also in the oscam.server and active.



user                          = raspipi
group                         = 1,2,3,4,5

And here is a picture of a setting in oscam that is absolutely necessary for this methode;





you might want to run a tcpdump on the client box, test both the streamrelay and the icam bouquet entry, and see if you can spot a difference?

ok i will test this.




oscam/scam-emu openPli not suppport radegast

if i said for this methode you didn't need oscam on the e2box.





#1578238 VU+ Zero 4K als Hauptgerät - ZGemma H8.2H als Zweitgerät

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 10 November 2023 - 00:16



Kann man dann auf beiden Boxen gleichzeitig HD+ sehen oder immer nur auf einer?


Geht auf beiden gleichzeitig.




#1570582 E2iPlayer Install Script !

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 4 October 2023 - 21:25



here a new script (now again in english language) with that you can install e2iplayer from git, it is for use with hotkey designated, and you can use this script also for updating e2iplayer.


so that e2iplayer and the script works it needs first the plugin{s}/package (they are on feed) as follows;




python-pycurl or python3-pycurl


if necessary the script installed this plugin{s}/package automatically, so it is nothing to do for users.



ok, so that the script works the following is to do (configuration);


1.) put the extracted script with name "e2iplayer_install_update_en.hidden.sh" on your box to the directory /usr/script (if this directory didn't exists create it first).

2.) make it executable with the following telnet/ssh command;

chmod 755 /usr/script/e2iplayer_install_update_en.hidden.sh 

3.) put it on a button to your choice for hotkey, -> that's it.


please do not rename this script, because it needs .hidden in the name so that it works correct with hotkey in background.


now you can start the script with hotkey.



what did this script doing ?


it installed e2iplayer from git, default it is configured for the e2iplayer from @zadmario.

if users want to install instead the e2iplayer version from @jbleyel or from @Blindspot76 they must change the variables to it in the script

(this variables you can found in the lines 25, 27, 29, and 31) here you can set which version from the e2iplayer you want to install.

set your desired version to yes, but go sure that only one of the 4 versions is set to yes.


the script makes default also a backup of an already installed e2iplayer version in the form of a tar.gz package which is stored in /home/root by default.

if you want to store the backup on another place change the variable in line 20 from that;


to your desired destination.

if you don’t want that the script creates a backup from an already installed e2iplayer version change the variable in line 17 from that;





if you select a e2iplayer version from @Blindspot76 it needs also the package unzip but as  i saw the busybox unzip is out of the box on board in pli image

only if this isn’t the case and only if you want to install an e2iplayer version from @Blindspot76 the script installs also the package unzip.


Important !

all changes (variables changes) that you make in the script you must do with an linuxcompatible editor as example with notepad++.


last infos;

for python 2 you can either choose the e2iplayer from @zadmario or the one for python2 from @Blindspot76.

for python3 you can choose the e2iplayer from @zadmario, the one from @jbleyel or the one for python3 from @Blindspot76.
if you accidentally select an e2iplayer version for a python2 image in a python3 image that is no problem, in this case the script will abort and does nothing.
the same applies vice versa if you have selected an e2iplayer version for python3 but use a python2 image.

there is nothing more to say, besides everything is documented in the script itself, so you can read directly in the script what it does etc....




please if you have time you could put in post #1
at the top an info + a link to this post here with something like the following text;
information about the current script (configuration etc..) + the current script can now be found here;





Attached Files

#1569710 E2iPlayer Install Script !

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 30 September 2023 - 20:24

this script isn't up to date because as example @maxbambi didn't work furthermore on this plugin so it is only for @zadmario version from e2iplayer.

if you have installed e2iplayer with the script and you want to delete e2iplayer you can use the command;

rm -rf /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer

but attantion rm -rf is a dangerous command so go sure that you use this command with the correct path to e2iplayer directory.

i attach here another script which i use since months in openatv with that you can install e2iplayer version from @zadmario (it works in openpli too).

but it is in germany language (maybe i will make a english version later).

as i said this script installs default the version from @zadmario and it is for python 2 and python 3 (the version from @zadmario works with python 2 and python 3)

the script is for hotkey, so put the script in the directory /usr/script make it executable as follows;

chmod 755 /usr/script/e2iplayer_install_update.hidden.sh

and put it on a button to your choice and that's it now you can start it with hotkey button.

you can use the same script to update e2iplayer, for this you must only start the script again.

good luck  :)





Attached Files

#1568390 OpenPli 8.3 Release online im Downloadbereich.

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 23 September 2023 - 21:27



Du solltest dich einfach danach richten welches keyset verlangt wird also vergiss den 3588 Key der wird in dieser Version

vom oscam eben nicht mehr verlangt und trag stattdessen alle anderen keys ein wie auch

den key60 und exp60.

Soweit ich weiss hat der key 3588 ja auch nur den key60 und exp60 berechnet.

Diese gesamten keys findest im Digital Elite Board (google bemühen).

Hab jetzt nicht verfolgt welche Karte du hast aber z.b: mit der HD04A geht das genauso wie hier geschrieben.





#1547807 Translations for Enigma 2: Please post them here!

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 19 June 2023 - 21:16



i have here the german *.po files (de translations) for plugin filecommander and quadpip for pli-8.3, they are testet and ok.





Attached Files

#1546935 Crontab info or a Plugin Enigma2

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 15 June 2023 - 19:01



as example if i made a cronjob as follows;

(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "* * * * * sh /usr/script/wz_box_cifswithcron_link.sh") | crontab -

i can remove the same cronjob with command;

crontab -l | grep -v '* * * * * sh /usr/script/wz_box_cifswithcron_link.sh' | crontab - 2>/dev/null;

but with * */1 * * * does the script start every hour?






#1546723 Crontab info or a Plugin Enigma2

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 14 June 2023 - 20:25

 i make my cronjobs always this way for scripts;

(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "* * * * * sh /usr/script/wz_box_cifswithcron_link.sh") | crontab -

or with a script with name cronjob.sh in /etc/init.d;



# cronjob.sh to make a cronjob with a init script
. /etc/default/rcS
if [ ! -e $CRON_VERZ/$CRON_FILE ]; then
(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "0 2,3,4,5 * * 0,1,2,3,4 sh /usr/script/standby.sh") | crontab -
(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "30 2,3,4,5 * * * sh /usr/script/standby.sh") | crontab -
(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo -e "0 3,4,5 * * 5,6 sh /usr/script/standby.sh\n") | crontab -
#if ! grep "ext_hdd_backup1_set_unset_link.sh" $CRON_VERZ/$CRON_FILE ; then
# (crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "* * * * * sh /usr/script/ext_hdd_backup1_set_unset_link.sh") | crontab -
if ! grep "wz_box_cifswithcron_link.sh" $CRON_VERZ/$CRON_FILE ; then
(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "* * * * * sh /usr/script/wz_box_cifswithcron_link.sh") | crontab -
if ! grep "wz_box_nfswithcron_link.sh" $CRON_VERZ/$CRON_FILE ; then
(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "* * * * * sh /usr/script/wz_box_nfswithcron_link.sh") | crontab -
(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "* * * * * sh /usr/script/hiddenmount.sh") | crontab -
: exit 0

and they works perfect in openpli-8.3


so that;

(crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "* */1 * * * sh /usr/script/test5.sh >/tmp/cron.log") | crontab -

i think did work for @marcus83





#1546659 IP TV kostenlos + ZDF/ARD Mediatheke

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 14 June 2023 - 17:00

Gibt jetzt auch ne SRF Mediathek von @CommanderData;


geht für python2 und 3.





#1544034 IP TV kostenlos + ZDF/ARD Mediatheke

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 2 June 2023 - 05:21

Aber nicht wundern das Problem;


Um die Einstellungen in den Plugins zu tätigen muss man normalerweise nur im Plugin selbst die Menü Taste drücken dann kann man da diverses konfigurieren

jedoch genau dabei gibts aber ein kleines Problem im PLI, nämlich die getätigten Einstellungen halten nicht (das ist aber nur im PLI so, warum weiss ich nicht)

sobald man also die Einstellungen getätigt hat und aus dem Plugin raus geht ist alles wie zuvor als ob man nie was konfiguriert hätte.

wird bleiben.





Super, vielen Dank, das finde ich klasse   :thumbs-up:   :thumbs-up:

Die aktuellen Versionen von CommanderData2338 werden nämlich bei jedem Update mit den alten Plugins vom Feed wieder überschrieben.

Um sowas zu vermeiden hättest die beiden Plugins auf hold setzen können;

opkg flag hold enigma2-plugin-extensions-ardmediathek
opkg flag hold enigma2-plugin-extensions-zdfmediathek



#1541495 ciplus with sky de card on Vu Ultimo 4K does not work very well

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 19 May 2023 - 22:14

I had (when I used the vu multiboot) an openatv also in use and yes with it ciplus works fine.
But I like the images of PLI also very much and therefore I also wanted a PLI with correctly working ciplus with sky modul and indeed a newer PLI such as: version 8.3 or just the nightly build.
Other images from other teams are therefore not a recommendation for me.

#1536472 VU Multiboot crash during Multiboot Initialize

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 30 April 2023 - 19:29



On my VU Ultimo 4K it isn't possible to select multibooit initialize, if i press the green button for that it comes a green screen (crash).

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/FlashImage.py", line 628, in RootInit
NameError: name 'modelMtdRootKernel' is not defined
[ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method ActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.ActionMap object at 0xb0cdf028>>,('TeletextActions', 'green')) failed)

image is "openpli-develop-vuultimo4k-20230430_usb.zip" i attach the complete log also.




Attached Files

#1477728 Adding an init script ..

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 29 August 2022 - 18:50



include echoes and logging in your script so you can see what is wrong or if it works at all.


i use also a init Script to mount my synology nas , it looks as;



. /etc/default/rcS


: exit 0

but i have linked it in the startlevel and it starts another script which is mounting my nas.

cd /etc/rcS.d
ln -s ../init.d/start_synology_ds213_mount_script.sh S99start_synology_ds213_mount_script.sh



#1470229 Openssl

Posted by Pike_Bishop on 31 July 2022 - 20:06



as i know e2iplayer plugin isn't on feed in openpli, only the plugin e2iplayer-deps is on feed.

if you want to install e2iplayer try this script;


but read also the first post in this thread or better all posts in this thread.


the script can install e2iplayer and also update e2iplayer, and it does pretty much the same as if you install the e2iplayer manually.

it installs also automatically the enigma2-plugin-extensions-e2iplayer-deps



