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lamedb5 formatting for Sat>IP server

lamedb5 satip

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#1 pharmswo

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Posted 12 January 2025 - 13:28



I'm trying to understand the format of lamedb5 related to connecting to a SAT>IP server (A Kathrein EXIP 418)


When my vu+ duo2 connects to the sat>ip server to play BBC Two HD it sends the following PIDS:

5500,5501,5503,5504,0,258,3842,3003,18  (which are decimal)


The lamedb has the following lines for this channel





lamedb5:s:1b1c:011a0000:0802:0002:25:0:0,"BBC Two HD",p:BSkyB,c:00157c,c:02157f,c:03157c,c:04157d,c:051

c:00 157c,c:02 157f,c:03 157c,c:04 157d, c:051

These first four fields are HEX values for 5500,5501,5503,5504


My questions ( and I assume that I missing one mapping file somewhere

1) Where does PID 258 come from? This is the pid for the video channel and I cannot find where it is stored?

2) Where do the PIDS 3842,3003 come from?

3) I assume PIDS 0 and 18 are hard coded because I believe that all SAT>IP servers need them.

4) what is c:051 in decimal it would be 81.


Hopefully someone can point me to the right file.


Why do I want to know this?? So that I can just update the Vu+ for tuning changes and write a script to push the channels to some fire sticks that run kodi











Re: lamedb5 formatting for Sat>IP server #2 Dimitrij

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Posted 12 January 2025 - 14:26

Maybe https://forums.openp...dpost&p=1423390

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

Re: lamedb5 formatting for Sat>IP server #3 pharmswo

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Posted Yesterday, 08:57


Many thanks, I have already seen this, and it is very helpful. But it does not answer the above questions.

Re: lamedb5 formatting for Sat>IP server #4 littlesat

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Posted Yesterday, 10:54

Sounds we need more content.... and in regards with SAT>IP which actially does a virtual 'tuner' we do not expect differences in PIDs etc.... c: identifies prefered PIDs.... where the first two numbers identify the 'target' (video, audio, teletext etc...) and the other digits the PID. It might be (speculation) that a settings editor did 'corrupt' something?

Edited by littlesat, Yesterday, 10:56.

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Re: lamedb5 formatting for Sat>IP server #5 pharmswo

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Posted Yesterday, 11:12

The Tuner is using PIDs correctly when connecting to the SAT>IP server. My question is where are ALL the PIDS stored, in which file?

The PIDS used (decimal) 5500,5501,5503,5504,0,258,3842,3003,18

But I cannot find where 258,3842,3003 are stored on the vu+

Re: lamedb5 formatting for Sat>IP server #6 Huevos

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Posted Yesterday, 11:30

Pids for what? Video, audio, subtitles?

Re: lamedb5 formatting for Sat>IP server #7 littlesat

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Posted Yesterday, 13:17

 My question is where are ALL the PIDS stored, in which file?-> /etc/enigma2/lamedb and lamedb5.... when lamedb5 exits it will be read before lamedb... with saving a lamedb5 will be written.... 

Edited by littlesat, Yesterday, 13:18.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: lamedb5 formatting for Sat>IP server #8 Huevos

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Posted Yesterday, 14:56

That is not true. The only file that is read is lamedb. It can be in either format. Lamedb5 is written but never read. And lamedb is always written in F4 even though it can be read as F5 and F4.

Re: lamedb5 formatting for Sat>IP server #9 littlesat

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Posted Yesterday, 15:03

Lamedb5 is written but never read


As far I know in OpenPLi lamedb5 is also read... when it exists + newer than lamedb. It parses much less complex.


But under the line all these lame, userbouquets etc... it is all parsing fantasy text file without any standard... would be nice to have e,g, all in a kind of sql database or so.... including the settings (configs) and EPG....... that would be a nice and real (cleanup) project... While other applications like settings editors may approach this database...

Edited by littlesat, Yesterday, 15:08.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

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