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Teletext - DVB Subtitles


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#1 hdp160

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Geplaatst op 8 juli 2010 - 13:08


For several years I have enjoyed my stable (fan cooled), wireless networked DM500s (genuine) with 1Tb NAS, motorised between 45E - 45W, no real problems. (currently Pli 4.7).

I have REALLY looked but I can't find the answer for ONE problem.

Here goes.

*** After setting up in the "Audio Menu" ***

Some channels show DVB subtitles, some channels show the TELETEXT subtitles

But on some channels my "Audio menu" does NOT show the bottom box
I can outside the "Audio Menu"(by pressing TELETEXT) on some of these channels get TELETEXT subtitles (150,777, 888 Etc.)

I guess I need within Linux to edit a few files to add the missing bottom box to those that do not have it.
(++ Some channels already have empty bottom boxes obviously!)

Example on 19.2E channel arte ----------- my "Audio menu" bottom box has the following options.

no subtitles
Teletext Page 152 (FR)
Teletext Page 888 (FR)
Teletext Page 150 (DE)
Teletext Page 869 (IT)
Teletext Page 151 (SV/F1/HU)

BUT on 19.2E channel Das Erste my "Audio menu" has no bottom box but subtitles ARE available via the TELETEXT route.

Played with plugins Bullz txt - DrTic - Gsub Etc. But I don't think they are for what I want.

Can you help please.



Re: Teletext - DVB Subtitles #2 hdp160

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Geplaatst op 8 juli 2010 - 17:09

I forgot to add the following information from one of Wanwizards excellent posts.


To find the subtitles, a DVB receiver scans the channel's
"Service Information". This meta data contains information about what
PIDs to use for receiving the channel, such as what PID to use for
video and what audio PID should be used for what language. VDR 1.3 and
up uses the Service Information for automatic video and audio PID
setup just as a typical set top box does.

For teletext with or without subtitles, the Service Information
contains information about what PID and what teletext page to use for
what language and purpose. A typical set of information for a channel
with Norwegian and Swedish teletext with subtitles could look like
PID Language Teletext Page Purpose
4711 nor 200 Initial page for teletext browsing
4711 nor 299 Subtitles
4711 nor 298 Subtitles for hearing impaired
4711 swe 300 Initial page for teletext browsing
4711 swe 399 Subtitles
4711 swe 398 Subtitles for hearing impaired
In this case, a receiver set up for Norwegian subtitles for hearing
impaired would use PID 4711 and teletext page 298 for subtitles. If
the user pushes the button for interactive teletext information
browsing, the set top box should start with presenting page 200 which
is supposed to be an index page in Norwegian.
Note that the PID may be different for each language and purpose. This
is one reason why ttxtsubs has to find out the PID itself and doesn't
care at all about how you set up the channel's TPid.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: DM500

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