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OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins]

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Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #81 theparasol

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Posted 13 November 2011 - 21:30

But no work has been done yet, and I have plenty of things on my TODO list, so I'll leave the streaming to you :)

Like the not autoadvance to next teletext subpage ;)
No kidding: I believe there is no list, please do whatever you like and when you like it.
I sence last 2 weeks an enormous increase in changes.

Soon I'll join the coding work (X-Mas holidays!) but i'm not an experienced coder in python and lack of time forces me to take it easy.

@Camping: ZGemma H.2S, Technisat Multytenne 4-in-1 @Home: Edision Mini 4K, Wave Frontier T55, EMP Centauri EMP DiSEqC 8/1 switch, 4x Inverto Ultra Black single LNB

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #82 joseb

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Posted 13 November 2011 - 22:15

I think that is a really interesting suggestion? Is HTML5 a future possibility?

It looks like it doesn't, until Apple makes it's browsers open source.

From here :

Live Streaming: The HTML5 spec does not cover or contemplate live streaming. Apple offers a proprietary method, but that only works for iOS devices.'
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Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #83 Viper780

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Posted 13 November 2011 - 23:57

Thats not entierly true

Livestreams are possible with HTML Cideo. Only a "intelligent" Webserver is nedded (like ffserver)

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #84 bacicciosat

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Posted 13 November 2011 - 23:59

use attached Patch to avoid crashing when Webbserver wants to bind on a Port already in use.

Applyed thanks.

Ps. I have added the Epg Search.
Please test.

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #85 kooleracer

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 00:03

I think that is a really interesting suggestion? Is HTML5 a future possibility?

It looks like it doesn't, until Apple makes it's browsers open source.

From here :

Live Streaming: The HTML5 spec does not cover or contemplate live streaming. Apple offers a proprietary method, but that only works for iOS devices.'

Indeed you are right, I think only wowza media server is able to livestream in HTML5.


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Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #86 MiLo

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 07:55

By "live streaming" they usually mean the horrible RTSP family of protocols. But if you don't tell anyone it's "live", and just provide something that looks like an MPG stream, every player will happily play it anyway - after all, how can they tell the difference between a youtube feed or a TV stream?
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Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #87 daddelfalk

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 09:09


i have played a little bit with it. TLSv1 Method with reactor-listenSSL is tested fine so far. Basic concept can be to automatically create a STB-unique self-signed X.509 Certificate with strong Security (4096 Bit RSA-Key and SHA512 Hashalgo) directly during Package Installation stage in postinst Script (nearly in the same Way as it's used by the Dropbear SSH-Server) so everything is ready to serve HTTPS-Connection just after Package Installation and without no effort to generate at a Certificate later stage with Certificate exists checking and so on, as certificate stuff is mostly to complicated for Basic End Users.

What your opinion?

The "standard" webinterface used a private key for HTTPS that was publicly known and available. That's way worse than anything else - it's locking the window and leaving the door open with a sign on the road pointing to it.

That's why I made the default "disabled", to make people think about using it. Apart from just wasting resources, the HTTPS gave a false sense of security, while in reality, the connection was just as secure as plain text.

So IF you add it, make sure to force the end user to generate or upload a certificate - and offer a way of doing so without editing files on the box. Do not make the same mistake again...

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #88 MiLo

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 11:08

- Don't create it in a post-install. The post-install will run on a build server, providing all boxes with the same certificate (again).
- It's quite a costly operation to generate that certificate (better said, if generating the keypair takes less than several seconds, the implementation is probably broken)
- Few users that will ever need SSL connections
- Those that do, and really understand the implications, are likely to install their own trusted certificate instead of relying on manually authenticating a self-signed one.

So my opinion is: Provide the functionality, but please don't do it in a postinstall, but only for users that explicitly ask for it. That also implies that HTTPS is switched off by default, unless there's a previously installed certificate present.
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Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #89 littlesat

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 11:13

I think it is better to get access to the website via a SSH tunnel...

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Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #90 MiLo

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 12:41

Depends... Where I work, I cannot connect with SSH through the firewall, but I can use HTTPS.

Trouble with HTTPS is that you're only as secure as the application behind it (which is Enigma2!). SSH has a proven security record, and even the particular implementation (dropbear) hasn't been breached even though it is very widely used. Enigma2 only has a very limited installed base, has never been set up with security in mind, and never received any serious attention in this respect. That alone is enough to scare me away from opening a HTTPS port to my home box - even with a decent certificate.
Real musicians never die - they just decompose

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #91 ozkaradag

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 13:32

Hey there,

if you need some help let me know. I would really like to help with OpenWebif and maybe other plugins later. I am talented Webdeveloper with a lot of experience in html/xhtml and javascript/jquery and I also know a lot about python plugins on my dreambox. I would like to help a little bit with the OpenWebif to get it finished as fast as posssible. Today I spend an hour to create a Movielist on my installed OpenWebif, not finished completly yet and still missing download and stream support but I also could take a look at it.

Just want to make sure no one else is already working on it, no need to waste time on something that someone else is currently working on.

So ... if you need help, just let me know!

Go home Homer-GER.

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #92 DrData

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 13:50

Don´t bother him. If he wants to help to develop OpenSource.

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #93 ozkaradag

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 14:50

Dear friends,

DMMs are custom made ​​home-GER Multimediathek plug only, Vuplus, Xtrend, Azbox to put devices such as clone. Does this open-source?
Now trying to help have come here, it does not need the software developers, software Let it go DMMs.

I know something I do not want him here.

I hope you understand me.

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #94 DrData

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 15:19

I know that Homeys Multimediathek need a key on VU+ und ET9xxx boxes. And I don´´t like it, too.
But remember DMM has change their Licence.
And not every developer like the new DMM restrictions.
If one of the near DMM developer is looking for a new place, let him do.
In my opinion he is welcome.

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #95 bacicciosat

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 15:20

I have not understood :D
Yes i have to admit that i was surprised to see posting here Homey but in my stupid idea i am hoping that ppl is starting to be tired about wars and Dmm license disputes and want to be free in their work.

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #96 nietgiftig

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 17:17

I have not understood :D
Yes i have to admit that i was surprised to see posting here Homey but in my stupid idea i am hoping that ppl is starting to be tired about wars and Dmm license disputes and want to be free in their work.

Good to see some trust in people
It is open source, what can go wrong?

 Hardware: Master VU Uno 4K SE  1x Mut@nt HD51.4K & 2x ZgemmaH9T
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Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #97 Homey-GER

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 18:26


DMMs are custom made ​​home-GER Multimediathek plug only, Vuplus, Xtrend, Azbox to put devices such as clone. Does this open-source?
Now trying to help have come here, it does not need the software developers, software Let it go DMMs.

I've created and released around 20 plugins, all of them work fine on your boxes. Except that MultiMediathek Plugin. It's not even the plugin which is protected, it's my webserver feeds which are protected and I had very good reasons for it to protect those feeds because many people were grabbing stuff from those feeds, too many for me and my server. But I don't like to explain this in detail now why I have decided to protect illegal feeds on my server. If you look back to VU Forums I was also looking for a solution to get you guys onboard but it ended it a flamewar so I was not interested anymore and I don't really have to care.

But hey, that's up to you. If I am not welcome here I can leave you alone again. I am just looking for a simple place where I can develop and release plugins together with other people and don't really care about all those flamewars between different communities, all I want is creating plugins.

BTW: I have finished the HDD Movielist for the Webinterface including Streaming and Downloading, just missing the Delete function but that's just a few lines of code left. So it's now the question if we want to discuss and attack each other or if I just can continue to work on OpenWebif and other plugins and release them here. If it starts like this, I can go very quick again. I thought this new OpenE2 Plugin Project is for every Developer who wants to create Open E2 Plugins for everyone. If I was wrong, then just let me know! Like said: I am really not interested to discuss everything I do with guys like you. All I want is developing and releasing plugins. That was not possible in the IHAD anymore so I am looking for a new place where I can leave all this discussion crap behind me and just code stuff and make people happy with my code. If this is the wrong place here for that, let me know and I will leave you alone again, I don't really care.

Edited by Homey-GER, 14 November 2011 - 18:30.

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #98 Rob van der Does

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 18:34

DMMs are custom made ​​home-GER Multimediathek plug only, Vuplus, Xtrend, Azbox to put devices such as clone. Does this open-source?
Now trying to help have come here, it does not need the software developers, software Let it go DMMs.

I've created and released around 20 plugins, all of them work fine on your boxes. Except that MultiMediathek Plugin. It's not even the plugin which is protected, it's my webserver feeds which are protected and I had very good reasons for it to protect those feeds because many people were grabbing stuff from those feeds, too many for me and my server. But I don't like to explain this in detail now why I have decided to protect illegal feeds on my server. If you look back to VU Forums I was also looking for a solution to get you guys onboard but it ended it a flamewar so I was not interested anymore and I don't really have to care.

But hey, that's up to you. If I am not welcome here I can leave you alone again. I am just looking for a simple place where I can develop and release plugins together with other people and don't really care about all those flamewars between different communities, all I want is creating plugins.

BTW: I have finished the HDD Movielist for the Webinterface including Streaming and Downloading, just missing the Delete function but that's just a few lines of code left. So it's now the question if we want to discuss and attack each other or if I just can continue to work on OpenWebif and other plugins and release them here. If it starts like this, I can go very quick again. I thought this new OpenE2 Plugin Project is for every Developer who wants to create Open E2 Plugins for everyone. If I was wrong, then just let me know! Like said: I am really not interested to discuss everything I do with guys like you. All I want is developing and releasing plugins. That was not possible in the IHAD anymore so I am looking for a new place where I can leave all this discussion crap behind me and just code stuff and make people happy with my code. If this is the wrong place here for that, let me know and I will leave you alone again, I don't really care.

DMMs are custom made ​​home-GER Multimediathek plug only, Vuplus, Xtrend, Azbox to put devices such as clone. Does this open-source?
Now trying to help have come here, it does not need the software developers, software Let it go DMMs.

I've created and released around 20 plugins, all of them work fine on your boxes. Except that MultiMediathek Plugin. It's not even the plugin which is protected, it's my webserver feeds which are protected and I had very good reasons for it to protect those feeds because many people were grabbing stuff from those feeds, too many for me and my server. But I don't like to explain this in detail now why I have decided to protect illegal feeds on my server. If you look back to VU Forums I was also looking for a solution to get you guys onboard but it ended it a flamewar so I was not interested anymore and I don't really have to care.

But hey, that's up to you. If I am not welcome here I can leave you alone again. I am just looking for a simple place where I can develop and release plugins together with other people and don't really care about all those flamewars between different communities, all I want is creating plugins.

BTW: I have finished the HDD Movielist for the Webinterface including Streaming and Downloading, just missing the Delete function but that's just a few lines of code left. So it's now the question if we want to discuss and attack each other or if I just can continue to work on OpenWebif and other plugins and release them here. If it starts like this, I can go very quick again. I thought this new OpenE2 Plugin Project is for every Developer who wants to create Open E2 Plugins for everyone. If I was wrong, then just let me know! Like said: I am really not interested to discuss everything I do with guys like you. All I want is developing and releasing plugins. That was not possible in the IHAD anymore so I am looking for a new place where I can leave all this discussion crap behind me and just code stuff and make people happy with my code. If this is the wrong place here for that, let me know and I will leave you alone again, I don't really care.

I think we should all be glad and happy with every single soul who is able to help the "open" community and wants to do so!

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #99 bacicciosat

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 18:45

So it's now the question if we want to discuss and attack each other or if I just can continue to work on OpenWebif and other plugins and release them here. If it starts like this, I can go very quick again. I thought this new OpenE2 Plugin Project is for every Developer who wants to create Open E2 Plugins for everyone. If I was wrong, then just let me know! Like said: I am really not interested to discuss everything I do with guys like you. All I want is developing and releasing plugins. That was not possible in the IHAD anymore so I am looking for a new place where I can leave all this discussion crap behind me and just code stuff and make people happy with my code. If this is the wrong place here for that, let me know and I will leave you alone again, I don't really care.

Homey: E2OpenPlugins is an idea started in this board because i like Pli style and opensource approach and i really think that there are here good coders.
But E2OpenPlugins is not a "Pli project" It is a multiteam project open to all developers and teams.
I am not part of Pli team. I am a coder of BlackHole team and skaman is a coder of Sif team.
We are all guests here. We have choose to post in this place because this is a free board and i think is the better place to work togheter.
So i think there is not problem here.
I don't like wars and flames, i am only interest in coding and for my side i am happy to work togheter with you.

Edited by bacicciosat, 14 November 2011 - 18:46.

Re: OpenWebif [E2OpenPlugins] #100 hemertje

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 19:05

But hey, that's up to you. If I am not welcome here I can leave you alone again. I am just looking for a simple place where I can develop and release plugins together with other people and don't really care about all those flamewars between different communities, all I want is creating plugins.

BTW: I have finished the HDD Movielist for the Webinterface including Streaming and Downloading, just missing the Delete function but that's just a few lines of code left. So it's now the question if we want to discuss and attack each other or if I just can continue to work on OpenWebif and other plugins and release them here. If it starts like this, I can go very quick again. I thought this new OpenE2 Plugin Project is for every Developer who wants to create Open E2 Plugins for everyone. If I was wrong, then just let me know! Like said: I am really not interested to discuss everything I do with guys like you. All I want is developing and releasing plugins. That was not possible in the IHAD anymore so I am looking for a new place where I can leave all this discussion crap behind me and just code stuff and make people happy with my code. If this is the wrong place here for that, let me know and I will leave you alone again, I don't really care.

welcome here Homey-GER,

everyone is welcome here at our OpenPLi board and we respect everyone and there choices they make/made

feel free to help developing OpenSource plugins for all hobbyteams communities and help each other out at the E2OpenPlugins github!

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