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chafpa's Photo chafpa 26 Dec 2014

Then it seems to copy the backup HDD with FTP or Telnet on the USB key.

Retrograde completely.


Micky's Photo Micky 26 Dec 2014

What do you mean by: did not boot?

You can't flash your Solo with the  back-up from the USB-stick?

Try a different USB-stick, the smaller and older the better in most cases


You can try to flash it via the BackupSuite with the Blue button = Restore back-up

Yes, I mean flashing. Ok, I test it with the blue button.





Pedro_Newbie's Photo Pedro_Newbie 26 Dec 2014


I thought that you had renamed the file 'noforce.update' into 'force.update in the BackupSuite by default a couple of days ago.


Now I understand from you that I should each time  rename the file 'noforce.update' on my USB-stick into 'force.update.
I understand that you have introduced this because of safety reasons however for me it is uncomfortable and I prefer the situation as it is actually by the VU+Duo without renaming the file


I did change it, in git48, but I reverted it in git49 because I think it is better safe than sorry.

If people are using the USB-stick also for e.g. timeshift or recording and they forget there is a back-up onto it and the machine reboots, after for instance an update, they end up with an unintentional restore of an "old" image.


You can always restore an image via the backupsuite then you don't have to rename a file, provided you still can access your receiver and start the BackupSuite.


I think it is better to let the noforce.update file as default and therefore it will be for the moment.


With the Duo you'll have no choice, if it finds a valid image it will flash whether you want it or not (and I have in the past restored unintended a backup where I wasn't pleased with it)

Edited by Pedro_Newbie, 26 December 2014 - 11:42.

gerard0610's Photo gerard0610 26 Dec 2014

@ Pedro-Newbie en d Satkiekerd:

Thank you for all the effort and explanation.


I have informed VU+ about this problem as suggested by Satkiekerd.


corola's Photo corola 17 Feb 2015

Pedro-Newbie  you can add support for zgemma star ?


Pedro_Newbie's Photo Pedro_Newbie 18 Feb 2015

I don't know the specifics of the zgemma star.

But I'm sure, as they bring out an image called openpli-4, they also are capable of embedding/adapting the backupsuite in their so called Openpli-4.0

Edited by Pedro_Newbie, 18 February 2015 - 21:09.

Serjoga's Photo Serjoga 22 Feb 2015

With plugin backupsuite not possible make backup. Image OpenPli 4.0. Who know another plugin for backup or where is a problem?


Receiver Vu+zero


Edited by Serjoga, 22 February 2015 - 13:19.

Pedro_Newbie's Photo Pedro_Newbie 22 Feb 2015

Please try again and post the BackupSuite.log which is in /tmp/


fidelcastro54's Photo fidelcastro54 7 Mar 2015

Hi Pedro. Could you change a wird in german Tranlation? If i take a fullbackup on hdd and it copies automatically the backup to my usb stick, i think the text must be " Das Backup ist fertig und wird auf den USB Stick kopiert" and not ".... und wurde auf den USB.....", because at this time the text isn't copied yet.
Edited by fidelcastro54, 7 March 2015 - 17:48.

Pedro_Newbie's Photo Pedro_Newbie 7 Mar 2015

When the text is displayed the image is already copied to the USB-stick, you can see this in the program in the following lines (389-394)

        mkdir -p "$TARGET$FOLDER"  (making the folder on the USB)

        cp -r "$MAINDEST/." "$TARGET$FOLDER" (copying the image from the maindestination to the USB-stick)

        echo $LINE >> $LOGFILE (this line and the next 2 just for the log)


        df -h "$TARGET"  >> $LOGFILE

        $SHOW "message19" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE    # Backup finished and copied to your USB-flashdrive

You see the text is displayed after the copy is made but before the final last words about the required time


nemoxyz's Photo nemoxyz 4 May 2015

Hello Pedro!! good evening !!

I am using your great plugin in order to make a backup of a Vu Solo model.  ( with 3.1.1 kernel )

All seems to be ok, but at the end of making root.ubifs it returns an error on "lstat"  bad on mke2fs   (error 22)

Then it continues to backup and finalize it , but as you can consider the backup is not good and at the moment I am going to use it the receiver does not accetp it and blocks itself.


Will be a pleasure if you can help me in order to understand where could be the mistake I commit.


thank you very much in advance. byee


Pedro_Newbie's Photo Pedro_Newbie 5 May 2015

I have no idea, do you have the logfile of the backupprocess and a screenprint of the part where you got the error?


But is this Solo a genuine Solo, because I have my doubts about the kernel version (3.1.1 vs the current 3.9.6 I believe) you are using.


nemoxyz's Photo nemoxyz 5 May 2015

Hello Pedro !!!  pleased to meet you !!  Thank you very much for answering !!! ( first of all : sorry for my english...I am italian )


Unfortunately the Solo which I am working on  is a clone ( Vu solo pro = clone vu solo ) so it goes only with drivers ferrari patch and kernel 3.1.1 ( to avoid timebomb inside 3.9.6 drivers )

Sunray models are supported by ramiMAHER's patch but on these models ( vuplusnethd factory ones )  does not work at all !!! At worst they can blocks the receiver ( red light fix ), so i can not use them.


Only one time I was able to do a complete backup usefull and working good at next flashing on the same receiver or other one similar  (  same condition and sam thing I do every time )  , after this one ( the file works good ) the next time I went to a backup the "suite" gave me that error!! I don't know the mistake I commit...


I think the same about the compatibility with 3.1.1 kernel....there are some problem with file system I don't know very well....

I noticed that the backupsuite work well only first time ( in absolute ) I use it after a fresh install of openpli 4.0  after this does not work


Anyway this is the screen shot of what  I see  ( after error ) ( i try to do a backup to extract log , i dont have it now...) :



Edited by nemoxyz, 5 May 2015 - 10:56.

nemoxyz's Photo nemoxyz 5 May 2015

PS:  backupsuite log as you request me ( same error after another try )

Attached Files


Pedro_Newbie's Photo Pedro_Newbie 5 May 2015

Sorry can't help you with that, I have no idea and don't want to spend a lot of time chasing errors on no supported machines.


nemoxyz's Photo nemoxyz 5 May 2015

well ok...I can understand....do as if I had not asked for anything...

beyond all thank you very much for answering and time spent !!

Hope to find out a solution by myself!!  see you!  my best regards.


robertut's Photo robertut 9 May 2015

Hello guys,


Where can BackupSuite's last IPK manual istaller be downloaded from?

Edited by robertut, 9 May 2015 - 17:37.

Pedro_Newbie's Photo Pedro_Newbie 9 May 2015

opkg download enigma2-plugin-extensions-backupsuite

Attached Files

Edited by Pedro_Newbie, 9 May 2015 - 19:08.

Pedro_Newbie's Photo Pedro_Newbie 24 Jul 2015

As of the next version there is also (partial) support for receivers which are not in the list (lookuptable. txt).

If a non supported receiver is found the program no longer quits with an error message but a backup is made using some standard settings.
-the files for the root and the kernel are called: rootfs.bin and kernel.bin. These names are more or less standard except for the VU + 's

-the folder which contains the back-up is called:/rename_this_folder. The folder should be renamed by the user to the default name for this receiver

-the arguments for MKUBIFS_ARGS and UBINIZE_ARGS are taken from the receiver itself (thanks WTE for the suggestion) the program produces a working back-up but does require some attention to change the folder name and the file names have to be checked.

There are made some tests with my current receivers by removing them from the list of supported receivers and then starting the back up. This provided working back-up's.


The altered Backupsuite.sh can be downloaded from my github repository: https://github.com/P...ons/BackupSuite

Edited by Pedro_Newbie, 24 July 2015 - 13:23.

mackguil's Photo mackguil 24 Jul 2015

It's possible to read the content of rootfs.bin in the archive ? I must recovery configs files and my old et9000 was dead.